kendaneivash ▴ ▾ dialect▴ ▾ english ▴ ▾ types▴ ▾ notes▴ ▾ -'aos̈ too much of modifier for adjectives -'ar more modifier for adjectives -'arar most modifier for adjectives -'baj'- denotes that an element has 7 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'ei not having the attributes of modifier for nouns to make an adjective -'haj'- denotes that an element has 6 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'iij group with traits of modifier for nouns -'ini less modifier for adjectives -'inin least modifier for adjectives -'ios̈ too little of modifier for adjectives -'is having the attributes of modifier for nouns to make an adjective -'laj'- denotes that an element has 5 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'paj'- denotes that an element has 8 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'raj'- denotes that an element has 4 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'saj'- denotes that an element has 3 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'shaj'- denotes that an element has 2 electron shells in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -'va desisting from; not doing; refusing to do modifier for verbs -'zaj'- denotes that an element has only one electron shell in total modifier used as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements -bi- denotes seven electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -bul denotes seven electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -em someone that does; something that does modifier for verbs to make a noun -hi- denotes six electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -ho- denotes six electrons in the outermost p-shell component often omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements -hul denotes six electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -li- denotes five electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -lo- denotes five electrons in the outermost p-shell component of long form elements -lul denotes five electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -ma in a manner of; in a way of modifier for adjectives to make an adverb -mi- denotes ten electrons in the outermost d-shell component often omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements -mul denotes ten electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -ni- denotes nine electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -nul denotes nine electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -phul denotes twelve electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -pi- denotes eight electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -pul denotes eight electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -ri- denotes four electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -ro- denotes four electrons in the outermost p-shell component of long form elements -rul denotes four electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -shi- denotes two electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -sho- denotes two electrons in the outermost p-shell component of long form elements -shul denotes two electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -si- denotes three electrons in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -so- denotes three electrons in the outermost p-shell component of long form elements -sul denotes three electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -thul denotes thirteen electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -tul denotes fourteen electrons in the outermost f-shell component often omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements -vul denotes eleven electrons in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements -zi- denotes one electron in the outermost d-shell component of long form elements -zo- denotes one electron in the outermost p-shell component of long form elements -zul denotes one electron in the outermost f-shell component of long form elements a our possessive pronoun adaryr Draconic dream (negative connotation); nightmare noun adaryr kavkem dream (negative connotation); nightmare noun adaryr Threadwielder deeply unpleasant but only vaguely remembered experience noun aderr Draconic drought noun aderr kavkem drought noun aderr Threadwielder time of hardship borne of scarce resources noun adreth Draconic death noun adreth kavkem death (negative connotation) noun adreth Threadwielder death noun adrethas Draconic to die verb contrast 'yutas' adrethas kavkem to die (negative connotation) verb contrast 'yutas' adrethas Threadwielder to die verb contrast 'yutas' adryn corpse; remains (deceased connotation); skeleton (deceased connotation) noun ahemeth increase of chemical activity; phase of rising temperatures; time of warming noun preferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures ahemeth Draconic spring (where the season exists) noun preferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures ahemeth Threadwielder spring (where the season exists) noun preferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures ahit option noun aku also; equally; likewise; similarly adverb akys to be; to exist verb amake͡ivash first learnt language; mother tongue noun aman care; concern (nurturing connotation) noun amanat ally (political connotation); altruist; benefactor; guardian (political connotation); philanthrope noun amanis to be alert toward the needs of; to be engaged with a topic; to care; to have a helpful predisposition toward verb amanoth caretaker; guardian (social connotation); parent (social connotation) noun amu consequently; ergo; then; thus adverb amur kavkem diluted (colour saturation); pale (colour saturation) modifier use adjective modifiers to denote saturation, for colour adjectives amurra kavkem gray (human and kavkem quale); grey (human and kavkem quale) adjective colour quale anaak someone (indeterminate or abstract connotation); something (indeterminate or abstract connotation) noun contrast with q'uru viri or q'uru keji when chosing from a determined/specific set ani axiom; fundamental assumption; premise noun aqen lizard; reptile noun aqen Threadwielder mammal; non-aquatic animal noun ara- (numeral) numeral see numbers araa͡in surface tension noun arab 7; seven numeral arad 15; fifteen numeral araf 12; twelve numeral arag 17; seventeen numeral arah 6; six numeral araj 16; sixteen numeral arak 19; nineteen numeral araks 20; twenty numeral aral 5; five numeral aram 10; ten numeral aran 9; nine numeral arap 8; eight numeral araq 18; eighteen numeral arar 4; four numeral aras 3; three numeral arash 2; two numeral arat 14; fourteen numeral arath 13; thirteen numeral arav 11; eleven numeral araz 1; a; an; one article see numbers argo fluid; liquid noun 'parent' word of equaaj. argus to condense (chemical connotation); to melt; to transition something into a liquid verb ariras to count (numeric connotation) verb contrast 'marus' aris from; of (origin, agency, composition, possessive and partitive connotations) preposition aru number noun asar border (chiefly abstract connotation); boundary (chiefly abstract connotation); delineation (chiefly abstract connotation); edge (chiefly abstract connotation) noun ashas to cater to; to please verb ashee pleasant adjective askan joint; pivot noun as̈raa autonomous adjective contrast with 'free' atarin collection; inventory; stash; storage noun contrast 'preeth' and 'atehash' ataros to collect; to reserve (material connotation); to save (material connotation); to stash; to store; to stow verb atehar narrative; story; tale noun atehas to inform; to report; to share information about; to tell (communicative connotation) verb often tactical or strategic atehash collection of information; report noun often tactical or strategic atel (numeral); zero numeral see numbers ath'- kavkem dark (colour lightness) modifier for colour adjectives atheon darkness; lack of illumination noun atheones to darken; to dim; to extinguish a light verb ava not adverb, conjunction avesar coast; shore noun avev lake large enough to have persistent waves; ocean; sea noun avev Draconic body of liquid noun avev kavkem body of water noun avev Threadwielder body of liquid noun aviko habit; manner noun avinitjemur kavkem warrior (Shy͡ilun shard only) noun compare 'jemur' azhajanaak kavkem specific species of small, insectivorous, burrowing marsupial noun azhar armour; protective covering noun azhares to clad or encase in armour verb a͡ilas to administer; to apply verb contrast 'sebis' a͡inaq plot; scheme noun a͡inaqes to analyse; to consider; to plot; to scheme; to weight one's options verb contrast with 'les̈elus' a͡inatayu kavkem archeology; forensic analysis; investigation noun babod former; previous (ordered connotation) adjective babur ago; back in time; before (chronological connotation); previous to (chronological connotation); prior (chronological connotation) preposition, adjective, postposition only the honorific form is an adjective babur Threadwielder honourable (honorific connotation) preposition, adjective, postposition only the honorific form is an adjective baj'bi meitnerium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'byin tennessine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'hi hassium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'hyin livermorium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'li bohrium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'lul plutonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'lyin moscovium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'mibul americium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'mul curium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'ni roentgenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'nul berkelium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'phul fermium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'pi darmstadtium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'pyin oganesson (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'ri seaborgium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'ryin flerovium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'shi rutherfordium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'sho thorium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'shyin actinium (molecular connotation); americium (molecular connotation); berkelium (molecular connotation); bohrium (molecular connotation); californium (molecular connotation); copernicium (molecular connotation); curium (molecular connotation); darkmstadtium (molecular connotation); dubnium (molecular connotation); einsteinium (molecular connotation); fermium (molecular connotation); hassium (molecular connotation); meitnerium (molecular connotation); mendelevium (molecular connotation); neptunium (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); plutonium (molecular connotation); protactinium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation); roentgenium (molecular connotation); rutherfordium (molecular connotation); seaborgium (molecular connotation); thorium (molecular connotation); uranium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'si dubnium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'syin lawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation baj'thul mendelevium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'vul einsteinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zibul curium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zirul neptunium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zishul protactinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zisul uranium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zo actinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand baj'zyin francium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation bajas to hurl; to lob; to send; to throw verb baka kavkem eon; era; large span of time noun bakat after (chronological connotation); beyond (chronological connotation); then preposition, adjective only the honorific form is an adjective bakat Threadwielder lesser (honorific connotation) preposition, adjective only the honorific form is an adjective bakes̈ abrupt; earlier than anticipated; sudden; unexpected adjective banthu kavkem light with a wavelength between 500 and 700 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'valek' banthu Threadwielder light with a wavelength between 500 and 700 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'valek' bantor flawed; vulnerable adjective contrast 'butama'inin', contrast 'butamas̈'ei' banudagu Draconic heartbeat noun banudagu kavkem heartbeat noun banun heart noun banun Draconic single point of failure in a living creature noun banun Threadwielder single point of failure in a living creature noun bara- (numeral) numeral see numbers barate precious element (material connotation); valuable element (material connotation) noun baru sibling (spiritual connotation) noun bata in; inside; within (spatial connotation) noun, adverb, preposition, adjective batas to enter; to pierce into non-destructively; to step inside verb bata͡iv module; organ noun batel (numeral) numeral see numbers ba͡ii functional; having a purpose; useful adjective contrast 'damun' ba͡ineg staff (implement) noun ba͡itil mission; purpose (fateful connotation); quest noun contrast 'dash' beles to risk verb beles̈ risk noun benaj arrow (symbolic connotation); directional cue; indication; sign or symbol denoting something in a position or a whereabouts noun contrast 'pethenet' benajas to guide (spatial connotation); to indicate; to lead (spatial connotation); to point or gesture toward the position of something verb contrast 'raajas' benajem guide; someone showing the way (literally) noun benis to exit; to go; to leave verb contrast 'hehis' bentada behind (spatial connotation); hidden behind something; to one's back; trailing behind someone adverb, adjective bentagu Threadwielder relative to oneself in the gumos direction adverb, adjective bentahe ahead (spatial connotation); ahead of someone (spatial connotation); ahead of something (spatial connotation); infront; to one's front adverb, adjective bentak beyond (spatial connotation); out; outside of adverb, adjective bentana above of someone or something (spatial connotation); atop (spatial connotation); over (spatial connotation); to one's top adverb, adjective bentase beside someone or something (spatial connotation); next to; to one's right adverb, adjective bentaso below someone or something (spatial connotation); to one's feet; under (spatial connotation) adverb, adjective bentate Threadwielder relative to oneself in the tes̈eto direction adverb, adjective bentaud beside someone or something (spatial connotation); next to; to one's left adverb, adjective butama immortal; invincible; overwhelmingly or impossibly strong or resilient; unbeatable adjective butamas̈ immortality; invincibility; invulnerability noun byin any element with 7 electrons in its valence shell; astatine (molecular connotation); bromine (molecular connotation); chlorine (molecular connotation); fluorine (molecular connotation); iodine (molecular connotation); tennessine (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element daan complete; undivided; whole adjective of a single thing, related to 'damaan' daarav something of importance or abstract value (not monetary / resource connotation) noun dagadag beat; pulse; rhythmic repetition noun onomatopoeic dagadagos to form a beat; to form a rhythm; to pulse; to throb verb daji key; something that opens something; unlocking item noun could also be used to describe a cutting or skewering weapon dakos to clarify; to demonstrate; to reveal; to show verb daku demonstration; revelation noun dalesh aim; goal (abstract connotation); intent noun damaan body noun damake͡i awareness; consciousness; self-awareness noun contains 'mak', 'yemaqu' and 'ke͡i' damasek rig; rigging; scaffolding; skeleton (structural connotation) noun damos to function (functional connotation); to work verb damun able; capable; possessing sufficient and normal functionality adjective contrast 'taka', contrast 'ba͡ii' damut project; work noun dan broad; deep (spatial connotation); large in one dimension; long (spatial connotation); thick; wide adjective compare 'ora' danahe straight (spatial connotation) adjective danasav kavkem tail noun danash back (spatial connotation) adjective daneg stick noun daneg Draconic bar; branch; pole; post; rafter; railing noun daneg kavkem bar; branch; pole; post; rafter; railing noun daneg Threadwielder long cylindric object noun danes̈ys to be productive; to contribute; to progress with a plan; to work (productive connotation) verb danikir kavkem band; banner noun dara- (numeral) numeral see numbers darraves to be of importance; to matter verb darraves Draconic to be valued, cherished or appreciated verb darraves kavkem to be valued, cherished or appreciated verb darro appreciation; thank noun dasatun currency; money; most marketable resource noun dash intention; point (communicative connotation); purpose (communicative connotation) noun Dasirvi kavkem Majriti; u Andromedae d noun dasiu deliberate; intentional; purposeful adjective Daskuvar kavkem Mekiva's companion star; υ Andromedae B noun dasur distant; remote adjective dasurmaak absent-minded; forgetful; inattentive; scatter-brained adjective das̈'- ought to do; shall do; should do modifier for verbs das̈e͡i duty; obligation; onus; responsibility noun compare 'se͡ira' datel (numeral) numeral see numbers davar food; fuel; nutrients noun davares to eat; to ingest solids; to refuel; to swallow (physiological connotation) verb contrast 'eqas' and 's̈elos' davas to extract; to harvest; to reap verb deel inert state; vacuum noun deel kavkem silence noun deene possessing low amplitude adverb, adjective deene Draconic quiet; soft (audio connotation); still (audio connotation) adverb, adjective deene kavkem quiet; soft (audio connotation); still (audio connotation) adverb, adjective deereshas kavkem to whisper verb deherr boredom; resentment (passive connotation) noun contrast 'kaal' deherris to bore (as in boredom) verb dejek afraid adjective dejes̈ intense concern for one's safety noun dejes̈ Draconic dread; fear noun dejes̈ kavkem dread; fear; horror (emotive connotation); terror (emotive connotation) noun dejes̈es to feel grave unease; to worry about safety intensely and personally verb dejes̈es Draconic to dread; to fear verb dejes̈es kavkem to dread; to fear verb dema dilemma noun desur patience; state of balance (mental connotation) noun dezys to dodge; to escape; to evade verb dezys̈ dodge; escape; evasion noun diev value; worth (both material and immaterial) noun dimak Draconic wise adverb, adjective dimak kavkem wise adverb, adjective dimak Threadwielder of a sophont adverb, adjective dimakash kavkem wisdom noun related to 'dimak' diyas to misjudge due to extreme personal stress verb diyas Draconic to panic, to come apart in fear verb diyas kavkem to panic, to come apart in fear verb diyas̈ state of misjudgement due to extreme personal stress noun diyas̈ Draconic panic; visceral fear noun diyas̈ kavkem panic; visceral fear noun domu mass (material connotation); quantity of matter; substance (material connotation) noun donas to accuse of (neutral or negative connotation); to attribute to (neutral or negative connotation); to blame verb donash accusation (neutral or negative connotation); attribution (neutral or negative connotation); blame noun doras to greet; to hail verb doras̈ greeting / hail, like 'hello' interjection doras̈uu farewell; good-bye dovas to follow a sequence of actions; to move in discrete steps; to step; to stride verb dovir list; menu; sequence noun dravas to hold; to possess; to restrain verb pertains to both objects and people dravem holder; master (commander connotation); owner noun pertains to both objects and people dun dale; depression (geological connotation); vale; valley noun dynar physical remnants; remains; ruins noun dynas to deconstruct (physical, neutral connotation); to destroy (physical, neutral connotation); to ruin (physical, neutral connotation); to tear down (physical, neutral connotation); to wreck (physical, neutral connotation) verb contrast 'krais' dynun deconstruction; destruction; ruination noun dyrii pursuit (abstract or metaphorical connotation) noun dyris to aspire to; to be inspired by; to pursue verb pertains to abstractions, not creatures, e.g. pursuing happiness e we personal pronoun meaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y' e Draconic us personal pronoun meaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y' e Threadwielder us personal pronoun meaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y' e'ik ourselves reflexive pronoun edaav kavkem feather (decorative or primary) noun edath kavkem light with a wavelength between 200 and 400 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 's̈elet' edath Threadwielder light with a wavelength between 200 and 400 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 's̈elet' edava͡i kavkem down; feather (short) noun edis to be gentle toward (physical connotation); to be physically friendly with; to caress; to pet; to stroke (affectionate connotation); to treat with care verb egar Draconic dagger; knife; small, sharp weapon noun egar kavkem dagger; knife; small, sharp weapon noun egeth H2O; water (molecular connotation) noun ehif forward adverb, adjective ehiphas to advance; to follow a designated path forward; to move forward; to progress verb ehiphu progress noun ehitaru prosperity noun ekii blaze; impenetrable, intolerably hot obstacle; large, impressive collection of flame or fire noun ekii Draconic pyre noun ekii kavkem pyre noun enedes to dance; to move in patterns verb intransitive only enos to begin; to initiate; to realise (make real); to start; to take the first step verb contrast 'netaros' enur beginning; initialisation; initiative; start noun eokan maintenance (status quo connotation); stability noun eokis to keep stable; to maintain; to sustain verb contrast 'manonas' Eqa we (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Equa' or 'Ekwa' eqaaj drink; life-sustaining liquid; water noun contrast: egeth eqas to drink; to ingest liquids; to refuel verb contrast 'davares' and 's̈elos' Eqi our (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Equi' or 'Ekwi' ere transparent (visual connotation) adjective eresh glass; transparent pane; window noun et to particle contrast 'sin' etajemur kavkem infiltrator (Shy͡ilun shard only); spy (Shy͡ilun shard only); thief (Shy͡ilun shard only) noun etaka attack; hostile action against someone noun etakas to aggress against; to attack; to make a hostile move; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct; to subvert verb ethas to have; to possess (belonging connotation) verb ethas̈ possession (belonging connotation) noun evem brightness; illumination (literal connotation); light noun evenar grace noun evened kavkem holy; pure (spiritual connotation); sacred (spiritual connotation) adjective evis to brighten; to illuminate (literal connotation); to light verb e͡ivu artificial object; contraption; machine noun contrast 'uvu' gades̈ juvenile; protégé; pupil; sapient creature still under the protection of others noun 'parent' word of kavama and ysash. gamun chance; opportunity noun gamuq perseverence; survival noun gamuqos to persevere; to survive verb ganirr creative ability or prowess; imagination noun ganirrys to design creatively; to imagine verb contrast 'netaros' ganos to explore; to inspect; to investigate verb ganosh exploration; investigation noun gara- (numeral) numeral see numbers garonat ascent; rise noun garonos to ascend; to rise verb garos to move verb intransitive only garoyem airplane; boat; car; ship; vehicle noun garu motion noun gatel (numeral) numeral see numbers gav immediately; now adverb gavis to need; to require verb gavu exingency; necessity; need; requirement noun gazhil force (physical and metaphysical connotation); great ability or skill; power noun gazhilhi powerful (physical and metaphysical connotation) adjective geb indeterminate object; thing noun geh high (spatial connotation) adjective gehos to lean over; to stand taller than; to tower verb gemaan gargoyle; sculpture; statue noun gemat surface noun gene͡i emaciated; thin adjective contrast 'nir' genumu boldness; courage noun genumu Threadwielder desire or ability to provide aid despite personal concerns noun genun bold; courageous adjective gerakiir kavkem equator noun gerenis to comprehend; to understand verb gerenu kavkem leader (Shy͡ilun clan only) noun getak belief; faith (neutral connotation); opinion noun contrast 'pher' and 'inim' getakem believer; disciple; minion (neutral connotation) noun getakos to believe; to have faith; to hold an opinion; to swallow (intellectual connotation) verb contrast 'kerres' ghan binding; restraint (physical connotation); shackle noun ghanis to paralyse; to pin; to restrain; to shackle verb contrast 'dravas' and 'raas̈ys' ghinis to squander; to waste verb ghotan tower noun gi ever (chronological connotation) adverb gijiderr Draconic arid landscape; desert noun gijiderr kavkem arid landscape; desert noun gijiderr Threadwielder stretch of space with few resources noun girr ring; something in circular arrangement noun compare 'hu͡io' givi impossible; never adverb gorothumum kavkem thunder noun onomatopoeic goru dent; furrow; groove; inset noun gorut kavkem bay noun compare 'goru' gumos Threadwielder braneward (spatial connotation); direction in a fourth spatial dimension, opposite of tes̈eto adjective haarat Draconic despair; emotional struggle; frantic mood noun haarat kavkem despair; emotional struggle; frantic mood noun haarat Threadwielder state of knowing no further options noun haares Draconic to despair; to see no options; to struggle emotionally verb haares kavkem to despair; to see no options; to struggle emotionally verb haares Threadwielder to have/see no options verb haavu kavkem leader (Shy͡ilun shard only) noun haj'bi iridium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'byin astatine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'hi osmium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'hul samarium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'hyin poionium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'li rhenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'lul promethium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'lyin bismuth (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'mibul europium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'mul dysprosium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'nul terbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'phul erbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'pyin radon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'ri tungsten (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'rul neodymium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'ryin lead (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'shi hafnium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'shyin barium (molecular connotation); cerium (molecular connotation); dysprosium (molecular connotation); erbium (molecular connotation); europium (molecular connotation); gadolinium (molecular connotation); hafnium (molecular connotation); holmium (molecular connotation); iridium (molecular connotation); lanthanum (molecular connotation); lutetium (molecular connotation); mercury (molecular connotation); neodymium (molecular connotation); osmium (molecular connotation); praseodymium (molecular connotation); promethium (molecular connotation); rhenium (molecular connotation); samarium (molecular connotation); tantalum (molecular connotation); terbium (molecular connotation); thulium (molecular connotation); tungsten (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'si tantalum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'sul praseodymium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'syin thalium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation haj'thul thulium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'tul mercury (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'vul holmium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'zi lanthanum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'zibul gadolinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'zitul lutetium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'zizul cerium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand haj'zyin caesium (molecular connotation); gold (molecular connotation); platinum (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation hakas to exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation) verb hakas̈ ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation); control noun halek base (strategic connotation); home noun hamu guest; visitor noun haphis to applaud someone; to commend; to compliment; to congratulate; to flatter; to laud; to praise verb haphur commendation; compliment; congratulation; flattery; praise noun hara- (numeral) numeral see numbers haref crossing; foot; hand; point of branching noun harik desolate; desperate; frantic adjective harras to attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence; to hide; to seek to make oneself scarce verb hases to designate; to name verb contrast 'lanis' hash designation; name noun has̈as to disperse; to scatter verb compare 'tashas' hatel (numeral) numeral see numbers hav greatest; highest (social connotation); last; top-most; ultimate adverb, adjective contrast 'qanok' haver leader (hierarchic connotation); ruler (hierarchic connotation) noun havos to lead (hierarchic connotation); to rule (hierarchic connotation) verb hebenas to confuse; to disorient verb hebenash confusion (visceral or fundamental); disorientation (visceral or fundamental) noun compare 'mizihi' hehis to advance (no abstract connotation); to go forward; to walk verb hehiviho kavkem species of anurognathid focussed on ground foraging noun hejan face (physiological connotation); muzzle; snout noun contrast 'mimaan' hejan Threadwielder part of body with high density of sensory organs noun contrast 'mimaan' helum unknown noun compare 'sesaka' henas ahead (spatial connotation); forward; front adjective herakedes kavkem to fib; to lie for good reason; to say a white lie verb heras to deceive; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake; to lead astray; to lie to verb heras̈ deceptive; fake; of mistaken attributes adjective herij deception; fraud; lie noun heril destiny; fate noun herilis to be subject to one's fate; to deserve verb hes̈em defender; fighter; guardian (physical connotation); protector; warrior (positive connotation) noun hes̈es to defend (combat connotation); to guard; to look out for (protective connotation); to protect (active connotation); to shield (active connotation) verb hes̈etiki kavkem any one species of thescalosaurid that live in small herds and take turns watching over each other noun hes̈i battle; fight; struggle noun hes̈ias to antagonise and be antagonised; to battle; to be in struggle with; to fight verb heyas to blur; to enshroud; to obscure; to shroud; to veil verb heyesh haze; membrane; shroud; translucent pane; veil noun contrast 'veregeth', contrast 'laa͡i' heyit translucent adjective hithis to notice; to perceive; to tell (perceptive connotation) verb ho'baj oganesson (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ho'haj radon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ho'laj xenon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ho'saj argon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ho'shaj neon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand hu͡io circle noun contrast 'ovo', contrast 'girr' hyin any element with 6 electrons in its valence shell; livermorium (molecular connotation); oxygen (molecular connotation); polonium (molecular connotation); selenium (molecular connotation); sulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation); tellurium (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element idal complete; undivided; whole adjective of a group of things with common traits idi gemstone (commonly literal connotation, but possible as a metaphor); jewel; precious, decorative resource noun idis̈el kavkem blue (kavkem quale); violet (human quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour idi² kavkem blue (human quale); indigo (human quale); turquoise (kavkem quale) adjective contrast 'venthu', kavkem primary colour ikej togetherness; unity noun ikejas to unite verb contrast 'is' iktem kavkem fish noun iktis kavkem to fish (literal connotation) verb iku'- abstract; metaphorical; virtual modifier for nouns imen reliable adjective imer diligence; reliability noun imi little (size connotation); small (but not tiny) adjective contrast 'nir' inee kill (sustenance connotation); slain prey noun inenes to kill (sustenance connotation); to prey upon (sustenance connotation); to slaughter (sustenance connotation); to slay (sustenance connotation) verb ini than preposition, conjunction inim argument; offer (communicative connotation); stated or voiced opinion noun contrast 'pher' and 'getak' inimis to argue for or against a matter; to bargain; to barter; to discuss with an outcome in mind verb initi obvious adjective initi kavkem visible (literal connotation) adjective iraku slave noun iras to close; to lock verb ire grain noun iri lock noun iru choice noun iruas to choose; to decide (personal fate connotation); to elect verb is to combine; to join (material connotation); to knit together; to link; to make the delineation between indistinguishable, invisible or unclear; to merge; to weld or glue together verb contrast 'lanabas', contrast 'ikejas' ishes to flow verb ishi river noun ishu flow noun is̈el enquiry; request noun is̈elis to ask; to inquire; to request verb compare 'horas' is̈igan alone (commonly neutral connotation); isolated (commonly neutral connotation) adverb, adjective ita friend (acquaintance connotation) noun contrast 'se͡ira' itad leaf noun itasaka mindless; without volition or sapience; zombie-like adjective itastar mould; plants; self-replicator; vegetation; weed noun ivi orb; sphere noun izaj balance (not metaphorical or social connotations) noun izajas to balance (not metaphorical or social connotations) verb izi absorbing light; black adjective contrast with 'atheon', colour impression jabenash clarity noun jahaar mercenaries; organised military (neutral or negative connotation); warriors with only an external drive for battle noun jakes to kill verb jakes Draconic to bring death for verb jakes kavkem to bring death for (violent connotation); to murder verb jakes Threadwielder to bring death for verb jakes̈ Draconic kill noun jakes̈ kavkem kill (violent connotation); murder noun jakes̈ Threadwielder kill noun jalok certainty; confirmation noun jalokis to confirm verb jalu͡i certain (confidence connotation); sure adjective jamaru kavkem crest noun janit dictionary; directory; index; map; reference; relation noun janos to index; to map; to relate verb janun head (physical connotation) noun januryn kavkem skull noun jara- (numeral) numeral see numbers jaro fact; truth noun jas̈el question noun jatel (numeral) numeral see numbers jati correct; right (in a debate) adjective jatu͡i real; true adjective jatu͡ima really; truly adverb redundant entry, added for ease of discovery javas to appear (illusionary connotation); to seem; to sound like verb related to 'sejavak' javu appearance (illusionary connotation); impression noun ja͡i near; recent; soon adverb, preposition, adjective jehen protest noun jehen Draconic deep grief; expression of helpless outrage noun jehen kavkem deep grief; expression of helpless outrage noun jehnis to protest verb jehnis Draconic to grieve; to howl; to whine (legitimately) verb jehnis kavkem to grieve; to howl; to whine (legitimately) verb jemos to deliberately and precisely collide with; to hit; to strike verb jemosh an intentional, precise impact; hit; strike noun jemur kavkem striker (Shy͡ilun shard only) noun jenej edge (geometric connotation); line (geometric connotation); link noun jenen an expression of entitlement; demand noun jenenis to demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to something verb contrast 'marus' jeneth Draconic blade; scythe; sword noun jeneth kavkem blade; scythe noun jeneth Threadwielder device that separates with precision noun jesinis to pull; to tug; to yank verb jesithas to drive (application of force); to nudge; to push; to tip (physical connotation) verb ji yet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree) adverb ji'- space between two or more of modifier for nouns jina dome noun jirris Draconic to blow or rustle (both as in wind) verb jirris kavkem to blow or rustle (both as in wind) verb jirris Threadwielder to sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunch verb jo sickle noun jo Draconic claw; fang; talon; tooth noun jo kavkem claw; fang; talon; tooth noun jo Threadwielder sharp appendange noun joas to scratch verb joas Draconic to claw; to rend or tear with teeth verb joas kavkem to claw; to rend or tear with teeth verb joas Threadwielder to rend or tear verb jolesh kavkem jaw noun joni kavkem sharp adjective compare 'zujo' and 'jo' jori Draconic mouth noun jori kavkem beak; mouth noun joromos Draconic to bite; to chew; to gnaw verb joromos kavkem to bite; to chew; to gnaw verb juna that (not as a conjugation); the (emphatic connotation only); these; this; those article, conjunction, determiner, pronoun contrast 'lur' and 'ned', which usually fill the semantic niche of 'this' and 'that' ka she personal pronoun ka Threadwielder he; they (singular); ve personal pronoun ka'ik herself reflexive pronoun ka'ik Threadwielder himself; themselves (singular); verself reflexive pronoun kaal hate; resentment (relationship connotation); scorn noun contrast 'deherr' kaalis to detest; to hate; to resent; to scorn verb kaana vicious; vindictive adjective kaana Draconic malicious adjective kaana kavkem evil; malicious adjective kaaru outcast; wretched adjective kaaru Draconic cursed adjective kaaru kavkem cursed adjective kael corruption; error adjective kael kavkem disease; illness; sickness adjective kagane͡i ill-timed adjective contrast 'kaheri' kaheri late adjective contrast 'kagane͡i' kahirr item displaying macroscopic, statistical randomness in discrete steps noun kahirr Draconic dice noun kai her possessive pronoun kai Threadwielder his; their (singular); vis possessive pronoun kajes to move; to shift verb transitive only kal Draconic male noun kal kavkem male noun kala virus (computational connotation) noun kala Draconic poison; toxin noun kala kavkem poison; toxin noun kale doubt; reservation (worrisome connotation); uncertainty noun kale kavkem concern (worrisome connotation); worry noun kaleis to be uncertain; to doubt; to have reservations verb kaleis Draconic to be concerned verb kaleis kavkem to be concerned; to worry verb kam effigy; figure; likeness; silhouette noun contrast 'taara' kamin challenge noun kaminys to challenge verb kamis to forgive verb kanores̈is to blind verb kanores̈u blindness (physiological connotation) noun kanos to erase; to remove; to subtract verb Kaqa she (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Kaqua' or 'Kakwa' Kaqa Threadwielder he (honorific connotation); they (singular, honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Kaqua' or 'Kakwa' Kaqi her (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Kaqui' or ''Kakwi' Kaqi Threadwielder his (honorific connotation); their (singular, honorific connotation); vis (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Kaqui' or ''Kakwi' kar gift; present noun kara- (numeral) numeral see numbers kariga tongue (physical connotation) noun karon time noun kary ally (rational relationship connotation); connection (person) noun karyes to ally (rational relationship connotation); to associate (social connotation); to connect (social connotation) verb karyu alliance (rational relationship connotation); association (social connotation); connection (social connotation) noun kas̈ hibernation noun kas̈ Draconic doze; nap; sleep; slumber noun kas̈ kavkem doze; nap; sleep; slumber noun kas̈us to hibernate verb kas̈us Draconic to doze; to nap; to sleep; to slumber verb kas̈us kavkem to doze; to nap; to sleep; to slumber verb katale ash; incandescently oxidised substance noun katel (numeral) numeral see numbers katu problem; trouble noun contrast 'sesaka' kavama kavkem hatchling capable of speech noun kavkem kavkem sapient raptorian from Nekenalos noun portmanteauing of 'kavama' and 'keji' kazeqen Threadwielder dragon; Zalaagra's sapient species noun kazy fire; incandescence noun same as 'kazyee' and 'ky' kazyee fire; incandescence noun same as 'kazy' and 'ky' kazys to glow; to illuminate; to shine verb ka͡ijas to accept; to bear; to endure; to respond stoically verb ka͡iji bearable; endurable adjective ka͡ikin kavkem street noun ka͡ikin Threadwielder Anchor noun ka͡inis to drop (falling connotation); to fall; to passively follow gravity's beckon verb ke her accusative pronoun ke Threadwielder him; them (singular); ver accusative pronoun keehi air (not metaphorical connotation); gaseous mix noun keehoro air pressure noun kejat chance meeting; encounter noun kejatas to cross; to encounter; to move across a landmark verb keji individual; person; sapient; sophont noun kejo brittle; weak adverb, adjective kejoras to fail verb kejoro failure noun kel for (supportive or possessive connotation); instead of; on behalf of preposition kem as; like (comparison); such adverb, preposition, conjunction, determiner kemi city; settlement; town noun kenas Draconic to chant; to sing verb kenas kavkem to chant; to sing verb kenas Threadwielder to form deliberate patterns with one's communication verb kenda Draconic voice noun kenda kavkem voice noun kenda Threadwielder communicative signature noun kenem poet noun kenem Draconic musician; singer noun kenem kavkem musician; singer noun keno poem noun keno Draconic music; song; tune noun keno kavkem music; song; tune noun keros to be inspired by; to follow; to mimic; to trace; to track verb pertains to creatures, not abstractions, contrast 'theres' kerr trust noun kerres to have faith in; to trust verb contrast 'getakos' keru follower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation) noun kes̈azes to come back to (literal connotation only); to return verb kes̈es to appear; to arrive; to come; to come into being; to reach one's destination verb kes̈urus to bounce; to riccochet verb ket step (planning connotation); task noun kethish wind noun kev evidence; proof noun kevas to prove; to provide evidence in favour of verb ke͡i game; strategic interaction noun ke͡ivash language noun portmanteauing of 'kenda' and 'ne͡ivash', used for non-Kendane͡ivash languages only khale͡i crazy adjective khon head (computational device connotation); pen; tape head; writing implement noun ki other (living thing) adjective kigaronosh sunfloat; the time a sun is still hidden behind a planet, but is rising noun Kigaronosh kavkem sunfloat (named time of day) noun eighth hour of the day kiikam kavkem demon noun kiika͡inosh sunsink; the time a sun is already hidden behind a planet, but is sinking further noun Kiika͡inosh kavkem sunsink (named time of day) noun first hour of the day kiivar Draconic primary star of a system noun kiivar kavkem sun noun kiivar Threadwielder primary star of a system noun kimita͡i honest; sincere; truthful adjective kimitu honesty; sincerity; truthfulness noun kin Threadwielder Thread noun kinaya close (spatially); narrowly-missed adjective kire Threadwielder grain of Thread dust noun kiri kavkem cord; lace; rope; thread (normal); vine noun kirys kavkem to bind; to knot; to lace; to thread; to tie verb kivanosh dusk; evening; sunset noun Kivanosh kavkem sunset (named time of day) noun fifth hour of the day kivav Draconic night noun kivav kavkem night noun kivav Threadwielder planetary shadow noun ki͡usuros to be curious about; to be interested in verb ki͡utar curiosity; interest noun ki͡utos to inspire curiosity; to interest; to make curious verb kora center; focus (physical or spatial connotation); middle noun contrast 'rese͡i' kraia broken; splintered adjective krais to break; to crack (damaging connotation); to splinter verb contrast 'dynas' ksanos to conform; to match; to oblige verb ksara- (numeral) numeral see numbers ksatel (numeral) numeral see numbers kseth cunning; unpleasant personality; wicked adjective ksimis to plunder; to reappropriate; to rob; to seize; to steal verb ksulys to weaken (psychological connotation) verb ks̈imu accident; unintentional event; unplanned occurrence (where harm occurred) noun ks̈iro kavkem umbilical cord noun ks̈ul weakness (psychological connotation) noun contrast 'raanin' ks̈yra kavkem lightning noun kteves kavkem any one species of penguin-like amphibious bird noun kull alien; foreign creature noun kumat bark; hide (physiological connotation); pelt; rind; skin noun kumil kavkem insect noun kumivak kavkem specific species of titanosaur-descended burrowing insectivore noun kumos̈as to skin verb kunar projectile noun kunar Draconic arrow; manually aimed long-range weapon; spear noun kunar kavkem arrow; manually aimed long-range weapon; spear noun ky fire; incandescence noun same as 'kazyee' and 'kazy' kydar universe noun kylun kavkem torch noun kyqen Threadwielder basal form of Zalaagra's sapient species; dragon noun laashas to decide on someone's fate; to judge (social connotation only) verb laa͡i flexible surface; membrane; sheet noun contrast 'heyesh' lagos to drip verb lagosh drop noun laj'byin iodine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'hyin tellurium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'lyin antimony (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'pyin xenon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'ryin tin (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'shi zirconium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand laj'shyin cadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation); technetium (molecular connotation); yttrium (molecular connotation); zirconium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'syin indium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation laj'zi yttrium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand laj'zyin molybdenum (molecular connotation); niobium (molecular connotation); rhodium (molecular connotation); rubidium (molecular connotation); ruthenium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation lajen pentagon noun geometric shape laki deep (distance or metaphorical); far (distance or metaphorical); intense; strong (tensile or metaphorical) adjective lanabas to add; to include verb contrast 'is' lanash call (social address connotation); calling; invitation; summon noun lanashos to call upon; to invite; to send for; to summon verb lanis to assign an attribute to; to designate verb contrast 'hases' lara- (numeral) numeral see numbers latel (numeral) numeral see numbers latimas kavkem to cry (sorrowful connotation); to sob; to weep verb lej confused; disoriented; lost adjective lejis to become confused; to become disoriented; to become lost verb compare 'hebenas' lek absent; disappeared; gone adjective lekes to empower verb lekesh force (social connotation); power (social connotation); sway noun leksis to coerce; to compel; to force verb leks̈elis to grill (communicative connotation); to interrogate; to question verb lema advice noun lemis to advise verb leqas to continue; to persist verb compare 'taleqas' leso bottom; nadir noun les̈elus to aim for; to intend; to mean; to plan toward verb contrast with 'a͡inaqes' les̈eris to descend verb les̈o descent noun le͡i letter (symbol connotation); symbol (literal connotation) noun le͡ihaph award; medal; sigil of acknowledgement; trophy noun lhen plane; platform; smooth surface; table noun li desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) noun lin hard (physical connotation); solid adjective lios to desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation) verb lo'baj tennessine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lo'haj astatine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lo'laj iodine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lo'raj bromine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lo'saj chlorine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lo'shaj fluorine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand lon ear; instrument that picks up vibrations; microphone noun lonnas to hear (physiological connotation); to perceive sound verb losa Draconic planet noun losa kavkem planet noun losh exact; precise adjective los̈a Threadwielder moon; planet; planetoid noun luki knowledge; possession of factual information noun lukias to know (factual connotation, not of experience or instinctual wisdom) verb lukitev kavkem intelligence shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation) noun luno kavkem wood noun lur there noun, adverb lyin antimony (molecular connotation); any element with 5 electrons in its valence shell; arsenic (molecular connotation); bismuth (molecular connotation); moscovium (molecular connotation); nitrogen (molecular connotation); phosphorus (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element maanu kavkem co-leader (Shy͡ilun shard only); second-in-command (Shy͡ilun shard only) noun madeis to distract verb contrast 'heras' madjaanas to reward verb madjan reward noun majis to lie down; to recharge; to repair; to rest; to settle oneself; to sit verb maju opportunity to recharge; repairs; rest; sit down noun majulen kavkem resting place; seat noun mak cerebral; intellectual; mental adjective mak Threadwielder algorithmic adjective makama ability to feel empathy; ability to feel guilt; conscience; moral understanding noun contains 'mak' makora attention (cerebral connotation); focus (cerebral connotation) noun contrast 'rese͡i' makoris to prevent; to stop something from happening verb contrast 'mesas' and 'taleqas' makos to focus on (cerebral connotation); to pay attention to (cerebral connotation) verb makyris to excite; to fuel; to kindle (attentive connotation); to motivate; to stimulate verb malin natural armour noun malin kavkem scales (anatomical connotation) noun manas to guide (intellectual connotation); to lead toward enlightenment; to teach verb manem guardian (intellectual connotation); guide (intellectual connotation); mentor; teacher noun manonas to ensure basic needs are met; to keep the fundamentals in order; to maintain (background connotation); to provide the necessary environment for survival verb contrast 'eokis' manonas Draconic to babysit verb contrast 'eokis' manonas kavkem to keep the lights off (yes, this is very funny, we know) verb contrast 'eokis' mantak beyond (prowess connotation); greater (prowess connotation) adjective manu guidance noun mara- (numeral) numeral see numbers maris to keep; to retain verb contrast 'sayes' marom art (non-abstract); painting; picture; visual depiction of something noun contrast 'nathi': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy maromos to cover decoratively; to decorate; to draw; to paint verb marus to anticipate; to bet on; to count on; to expect verb contrast 'ariras' and 'jenenis' mat an object to hide beneath or behind; cover; shield noun mataj kavkem humour noun matas to conceal; to cover verb matel (numeral) numeral see numbers maveo maintenance of chemical activity; phase of steady temperatures; time of stability noun preferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures maveo Draconic summer (where the season exists) noun preferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures maveo Threadwielder summer (where the season exists) noun preferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures ma͡is̈'- decaying through alpha decay modifier for elements ma͡itas to doom verb ma͡itu doom; downfall; grim fate noun mekis to bring; to give; to offer; to present verb Mekiva kavkem Nekenalos' original primary star; sun; Titawin; υ Andromedae A noun meki͡u offering noun contrast 'rakas̈' mel few in number; hard to obtain or find; rare; scarce adjective melma rarely adverb mesas to brake; to pause; to quit; to stop verb contrast 'taleqas' and 'makoris' mesi deliberate blindness; ignorance noun mesies to ignore; to pay no heed to; to pretend evidence does not exist verb mev stain; tarnish noun meves to dirty; to marr; to stain; to tarnish verb mevi dirty adjective mi'raj palladium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand mihis to consume; to devour verb mihu emotion; heuristic noun mileku kavkem sadness noun mimaan Draconic face (emotive connotation) noun contrast 'hejan' mimaan kavkem plumage noun contrast 'hejan' mimaan Threadwielder part of body expressing most emotion noun contrast 'hejan' mir checkpoint; gate noun contrast 'torugem' miros to adopt; to take verb mizhes to make sense of; to solve a puzzle; to uncover clues and missing links verb mizhys to confuse; to perplex; to puzzle verb mizihi confusing or incomplete evidence; intellectual challenge; puzzle noun mneg homage; tribute noun muben kavkem meat; muscle noun mugo Draconic bottle; flask noun mugo kavkem bottle; flask noun mura͡i'- decaying through neutron emission modifier for elements murea hill; mountain noun compare 'muri', contrast 'othanam' murehej kavkem specific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsian noun mure͡i weighed down adverb, adjective compare 'muri' muri heavy adjective muru weight (physical connotation) noun mynateh exceptional individual; hero noun mytos to forget verb na you (singular) personal pronoun na'a you (plural) personal pronoun na'a'ik yourself (plural) reflexive pronoun na'ai your (plural) possessive pronoun Na'aqa you (plural) (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Na'aqua' or 'Na'akwa' Na'aqi your (plural) (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Na'aqui' or 'Na'akwi' na'ik yourself (singular) reflexive pronoun naalin rock; stone noun naalire sand noun nages to recommend; to suggest verb nagiji area; place (physical) noun contrast 'najei' nai your (singular) possessive pronoun najei coordinates; location; place; point (spatial connotation); position noun used for both time and space considerations, contrast 'nagiji' najitev kavkem education shard (Shy͡ilun clan only) noun najituman kavkem crèche; place of learning; school noun nak gauge; grade; measuring rod; ruler; scale noun nakas to adjust; to alter; to change; to tune verb transitive only nake͡ivas to translate verb naki dimension (geometry / mathematics) noun nakys to gauge; to grade; to measure verb nala earth; fertile ground; soil noun namatas to eliminate; to reduce verb nanju peace noun Naqa you (singular) (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Naqua' or 'Nakwa' naqas to welcome verb Naqi your (singular) (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Naqui' or 'Nakwi' naqu hospitality; supportive nature; welcoming nature noun compare 'teda' nar if conjunction nara- (numeral) numeral see numbers natal above (directional meaning only); up adjective nateh incomprehensibly powerful individual noun nateh Draconic deity; god noun nateh kavkem deity; god noun natel (numeral) numeral see numbers nathi abstract representation; image; metaphor; picture noun contrast with 'marom': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy natsugem climbable surface; stairs; stairway noun ne you (singular) accusative pronoun ne'a you (plural) accusative pronoun nebe but conjunction ned here noun, adverb neken Threadwielder dinosaurs; nekenalosan basal species noun nerak kavkem always adverb neret eternal; forever; infinite adjective nero kavkem ~2.82 tevo; duration of one Nekenalos orbit; year (unit of time) noun chiefly in mythological use nes to act; to behave; to do verb netaros to architect; to design; to orchestrate; to realise (make real) verb contrast 'enos', contrast 'ganirrys' ne͡imakanaas̈ feeling of claustrophobia; the illusion of being unable to breathe noun contains 'mak' ne͡inas to happen; to occur verb related to 'nes' and 'ne͡ivas' ne͡inash event; happening; occasion; occurrence; situation noun ne͡inis to connect (physical connotation); to touch verb ne͡ivas to recall; to recollect; to remember verb ne͡ivash memory (non-symbolic connotation) noun nhal rich, easily accessible resources; treasure noun nhalis to gather in large amounts; to hoard; to treasure (material connotation) verb nhaltev kavkem resource shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation) noun nharias to preserve; to prevent degeneration in or passive harm to; to treat respectfully or cautiously verb contrast 'pranatas' nharu caution; prudence noun nigi home; possessed shelter; territory (positive connotation) noun nii even now; still (chronological connotation); until now; up to the present time adverb contrast 'yko' nir flat; narrow; short; small in one dimension adjective contrast 'imi' and 'gene͡i' niritad kavkem fern noun nisi complete; thorough; total; undivided; whole adjective of abstractions nisij clan; group of individuals sharing territory or resources; people (singular) (territorial connotation) noun nitish Draconic cruel (emotional connotation); mean; nasty adjective nitish kavkem cruel (emotional connotation); mean; nasty adjective nitish Threadwielder unduly punishing adjective nitu Draconic cruelty noun nitu kavkem cruelty noun nivis to decline involvement; to refuse prior duties; to remove oneself from the proverbial playing field; to retire verb njeros̈ gravity noun njodannas length noun njogutes̈ Threadwielder distance from brane noun njoselud width noun njoty path (both physical and metaphorical connotations); way (both physical and metaphorical connotations) noun njovotal height noun njuket cloth; tarp; towel noun njuket Threadwielder gravitational pattern; space-time pattern noun njukis to knit; to stitch; to thread verb njukis Threadwielder to alter gravity; to alter space-time verb njuku attire; clothes; garment noun njuku Threadwielder gravity well noun nokoma finally; ultimately adverb ntakodo late (overdue connotation); misplaced; out of order; too early adjective ntor'- decaying through beta decay modifier for elements ntos̈'- decaying through electron capture; decaying through positron emission modifier for elements nuna identical; same adjective nuune͡i admiration noun nuune͡i kavkem love noun nuus to admire verb nuus Draconic to cherish verb nuus kavkem to cherish; to love verb nyaqen Threadwielder nekenalosan sapient species, both kavkema and Nayabaru noun odo about; against; in support of adverb odomu crystal noun okodes to bring into sequence; to order; to put something into its proper place; to realign with the rest of a collection; to sort verb okodo order (opposite of chaos) noun omuro pressure (physical connotation) noun ora big; huge; large adjective compare 'dan' orig burrow; cave; cavern; hollow noun contrast with 'vako' oronaar asteroid; comet noun oronaar Draconic boulder noun oronaar kavkem boulder noun oruna solid noun orunis to become solid; to freeze; to solidify verb oso kavkem green (human quale); lime (kavkem quale) adjective contrast 'tasath', kavkem primary colour osodi kavkem green (kavkem quale); turquoise (human quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour osodijor kteves kavkem species of amphibious bird with a serrated, blue beak noun os̈ Draconic agony; nausea; pain noun os̈ kavkem agony; anguish; nausea; pain noun os̈ Threadwielder perception of personal damage noun os̈as Draconic to bring pain; to hurt; to torture; to wound verb contrast 'tsadamas' os̈as kavkem to bring pain; to hurt; to torture; to wound verb contrast 'tsadamas' os̈as Threadwielder to cause damage to a person verb contrast 'tsadamas' otan building; enclosure (positive connotation); house; shelter noun contrast 'orig', contrast 'nigi', contrast 'subenos' otanas to build; to construct shelter verb contrast 'sekis' othanam cancer; cap; lump; protrusion noun contrast 'murea' ovo disc (geometric connotation); disk (geometric connotation); scythe (celestial appearance connotation) noun contrast 'hu͡io' paagash reputation noun paare because; that (conjugation only) adverb, conjunction paat photonic frequency noun paat Draconic colour noun paat kavkem colour noun pak neither conjunction paparo kavkem 1/8 paro; 8 sapo; matter (unit of time) noun compare 'ravo' para- (numeral) numeral see numbers paro kavkem 1/8 taath; 8 paparo; hour (unit of time) noun patel (numeral) numeral see numbers pel at preposition pena other (inanimate thing) adjective peris to remain; to stay verb pethenet gesture (abstract connotation); indicator (abstract connotation); sign (abstract connotation); symbol (metaphorical connotation) noun contrast 'benaj' phanun nexus; root (cause connotation); source noun phara- (numeral) numeral see numbers phatel (numeral) numeral see numbers phazyee flame; source of scalding heat noun phazys to burn; to char; to scald; to scorch verb phebes to enquire about; to express desire; to express want; to request verb phebes̈ request noun phenyn furnace; holocaust (natural disaster connotation); lava; magma; molten rock; solid component of a pyroclastic flow (tephra); wildfire noun pher decision; opinion; prejudice (negative connotation) noun contrast 'getak' and 'inim' pheres to decide; to express an firm opinion; to fell a decision verb phyrha candle; lantern; lightbulb; lighter; source of light noun pranash respect noun pranatas to handle in accordance with etiquette; to respect; to treat cordially verb contrast 'nharias' preeth collection of personal notes; diary; journal noun prehethem item one feels emotional attachment to noun prehethem Draconic enchanted pendant; item of spiritual or magical significance; lucky charm; talisman noun prehethem kavkem enchanted pendant; item of spiritual or magical significance; lucky charm; talisman noun prehethem Threadwielder item of personal significance noun prenes̈ freedom; liberty noun prenes̈as to break out of; to free; to liberate verb prenysh free; unbound; under no obligation or coercion adjective pyin any element with 8 electrons in its valence shell; argon (molecular connotation); krypton (molecular connotation); neon (molecular connotation); oganesson (molecular connotation); radon (molecular connotation); xenon (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element q'umok stranger noun q'umotal incline; slope noun q'umu deviating; different adverb, adjective compare 'q'uru' q'uru out of expected sequence; random; unpredictable adjective compare 'q'umu' qa vital (energetic connotation); vivid adjective qaji moist; wet adjective qaleq barrier (spatial connotation); boundary (spatial connotation); cliff; fence (if tall enough to be an obstacle); obstacle (spatial connotation) noun qanok being the final element of a collection; being the final thing to be done in a given time span; last adverb, adjective contrast 'hav' qanos Draconic to live verb qanos kavkem to live (positive connotation) verb qanos Threadwielder to live verb qanu Draconic life noun qanu kavkem life (positive connotation) noun qanu Threadwielder life noun qara- (numeral) numeral see numbers qasai kavkem mercy kill; release noun qasutas to disrupt; to disturb; to interfere; to mess with verb qas̈as kavkem to kill in mercy; to release verb qatatun auction; market; place of trade noun qatel (numeral) numeral see numbers qa͡i important; pivotal; urgent; vital (urgency connotation) adjective contrast 'daarav'is' qesathas to attach to; to cling to; to clutch verb qeta so conjunction, interjection qi identity; personality noun qi kavkem soul noun qidravem kavkem soul catcher noun mythological concept qis̈elek kavkem soul catcher noun mythological concept qos̈eth phase of falling temperatures; reduction of chemical activity; time of cooling noun preferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures qos̈eth Draconic autumn (where the season exists); fall (where the season exists) (seasonal connotation) noun preferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures qos̈eth Threadwielder autumn (where the season exists); fall (where the season exists) (seasonal connotation) noun preferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures quros to shock (surprise connotation); to surprise verb qyin any element with 18 electrons in its valence shell; palladium (molecular connotation) noun can be used with a shell count modifier, but usually isn't, since this only applies to palladium, element ra Draconic he personal pronoun ra kavkem he personal pronoun ra Threadwielder they (singular, unknown gender) personal pronoun ra'ik Draconic himself reflexive pronoun ra'ik kavkem himself reflexive pronoun ra'ik Threadwielder themselves (singular, unknown gender) reflexive pronoun raajas to draw attention to oneself; to signal; to wave verb contrast 'benajas' raanin obedient; submissive; subservient adjective contrast 'ks̈ul'is' raanu submission noun contrast 'ks̈ul' raanys to submit (social connotation) verb raas̈elek cage; prison; trap noun raas̈eles to cage; to imprison; to isolate (negative connotation); to trap verb raas̈ys to apprehend; to catch; to restrain verb rahuta certainly (affirmative connotation only); definitely interjection, particle contrast 'jalu͡i' and 'teve͡i' rahuta kavkem of course interjection, particle contrast 'jalu͡i' and 'teve͡i' rai Draconic his possessive pronoun rai kavkem his possessive pronoun rai Threadwielder their (singular, unknown gender) possessive pronoun raj'bi cobalt (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'byin bromine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'hi iron (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'hyin selenium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'lyin arsenic (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'mi krypton (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand raj'pi nickel (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'pyin krypton (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'qyin palladium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'ryin germanium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'shi titanium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'shyin calcium (molecular connotation); cobalt (molecular connotation); iron (molecular connotation); manganese (molecular connotation); nickel (molecular connotation); scandium (molecular connotation); titanium (molecular connotation); vanadium (molecular connotation); zinc (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'si vanadium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'syin gallium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation raj'zi scandium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened raj'zyin chromium (molecular connotation); copper (molecular connotation); potassium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation rajen rectangle; square noun geometric shape rakaris to sacrifice (cultural connotation, not spiritual) verb rakas̈ sacrifice (cultural connotation, not spiritual, but can be used as latter in metaphor) noun contrast 'meki͡u' raktat sacred (cultural connotation, not spiritual) adjective ramas to assure; to ensure; to insure; to promise verb rama͡i assurance; insurance; promise noun rane ability; capability (not motivational connotation) noun Raqa Draconic he (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa' Raqa kavkem he (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa' Raqa Threadwielder they (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa' Raqi Draconic his (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi' Raqi kavkem his (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi' Raqi Threadwielder their (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi' rara- (numeral) numeral see numbers rarran drone; puppet; zombie noun rarres to puppeteer; to take control of verb rarres Draconic to possess (demonic connotation) verb rarres kavkem to possess (demonic connotation) verb rarres Threadwielder to possess (neutral metaphysical connotation) verb rarresh manipulator; puppet-master; puppeteer noun rash copy; duplicate; simulacrum noun rashas to copy (physical connotation); to duplicate verb ratel (numeral) numeral see numbers ravin Draconic nation noun ravo concern (intellectual connotation); matter (narrative connotation); topic noun compare 'paparo' razai again; once more adverb razma once (frequency connotation) adverb ra͡is̈'- decaying through proton emission modifier for elements re Draconic him accusative pronoun re kavkem him accusative pronoun re Threadwielder them (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation) accusative pronoun rekis to answer; to respond (linguistic connotation only) verb reko answer; response (linguistic connotation only) noun remoi fair adjective remoi kavkem just (fairness connotation) adjective remoro fairness noun remoro kavkem justice noun resejas to perceive visually; to see; to witness verb resejash camera; eye; instrument to detect photons noun reseju sight (literal connotation); vision (physiological connotation); visual perception noun resemas to focus on (perceptive connotation); to glance at; to look at; to pay attention to (perceptive connotation) verb rese͡i attention (perceptive connotation); focus (perceptive connotation); glance; look noun contrast 'kora' and 'makora' rese͡it kavkem Watcher (shard or group role) noun reshas to communicate; to say something; to send a message; to speak; to talk verb resho kavkem 1/8 sapo; 8 vemako; phrase (unit of time) noun resho² phrase; sentence noun reshun kavkem messenger (shard or group role) noun res̈u letter (communicative connotation); message noun re͡ir disk (data carrying connotation); missive; note; page; screed; scroll noun contrast 'sayet' re͡iros to page through; to scroll; to sift verb rhaal intelligence noun rhatus to attempt to find; to be on the lookout for; to look for; to search; to seek out verb rhatush search noun rherras to interpret; to perceive (symbolic connotation); to view as (symbolic connotation) verb compare 'hithis' rheshjere kavkem specific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsian noun ria no noun, interjection, particle riitas to stay (socialising connotation); to visit verb riitash stay (socialising connotation); visit noun rini few; little (amount connotation) determiner rinii less comparative determiner ro'baj livermorium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ro'haj polonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ro'laj tellurium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ro'raj selenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ro'saj sulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand ro'shaj oxygen (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand rua yes noun, interjection, particle runu obstacle; wall noun ryin any element with 4 electrons in its valence shell; carbon (molecular connotation); flerovium (molecular connotation); germanium (molecular connotation); lead (molecular connotation); silicon (molecular connotation); tin (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element rykirin kavkem necklace noun ryn bone; spine; structural, supporting element in an organism noun ryr concept; idea; notion noun contrast 'ryrha' ryrha Draconic dream (neutral connotation) noun 'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr. ryrha kavkem dream (neutral connotation) noun 'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr. ryrha Threadwielder vaguely remembered experience noun 'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr. sa I personal pronoun sa'ik myself reflexive pronoun saabi all; everyone noun, pronoun saar Draconic female noun saar kavkem female noun sai my possessive pronoun saj'byin chlorine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'hyin sulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'lyin phosphorus (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'pyin argon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'ryin silicon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'shyin magnesium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'syin aluminium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation saj'zyin sodium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation sajen triangle noun geometric shape sana relief noun sapo kavkem 1/8 paparo; 8 resho; minute (unit of time) noun Saqa I (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Saqua' or 'Sakwa' Saqi my (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Saqui' or 'Sakwi' sara- (numeral) numeral see numbers sarijo regretful for an action adjective sarijo Draconic being sorry adjective sarijo kavkem being sorry adjective sarijos to apologise; to express regret verb, interjection sarijos Draconic expression of sorrow, regret; sorry verb, interjection sarijos kavkem expression of sorrow, regret; sorry verb, interjection sarijos Threadwielder expression of regret verb, interjection satel (numeral) numeral see numbers savidam limb (e.g. arm, leg, wing, tail, …) noun saviskan ankle; elbow; joint (physiological connotation); knee; shoulder; wrist noun sayem author; keeper of the minutes; poet; recorder; transcriber; writer noun sayes to keep records; to note; to record; to take note; to transcribe; to write verb sayet archive; book; database; note; record; writing noun contrast 're͡ir' sazo any determiner, pronoun sazosri anything; something pronoun sazyee ember; source of warmth noun se me accusative pronoun sebas to put to use; to use verb contrast 'a͡ilas' sebi please adverb sehra amazing; excellent; fantastic; golden (metaphorical connotation); great; valuable; wonderful adjective sejan appearance (literal connotation) noun sejavak ghost; illusion noun sekidas to fix; to mend verb objects, not abstractions sekim-nokiru kavkem chosen (used in ritualistic assisted suicide); one who makes their final choice; subject (used in ritualistic assisted suicide) noun sekimigu room noun contrast 'sekirigu' sekirigu hall; hangar; large room noun sekirys to invent verb sekis to construct; to create; to make verb contrast 'otanas' sekur kavkem builder (shard or group role); engineer (shard or group role) noun sekyru invention noun selas right (directional meaning only) adjective seloq resistance (combative connotation) noun seloqos to resist (combative connotation) verb senesem normal; of regular, unoffensive occurrence; predictable adjective sephas to enflame; to ignite; to inflame; to spark verb sephet ignition; spark (physical connotation) noun sephyra kavkem firefly-like demon noun sepir helix; twist noun sepiris to turn; to twist verb seras to perceive (physiological connotation); to sense (physiological connotation) verb serosh sense; sensor; sensory organ noun seru perceptive (physiological connotation) adjective sesaka enigma; mystery; puzzle noun contrast 'katu' sesaka͡i Draconic mystic; priest noun sesaku confounder noun sesama secret noun seteh why adverb, conjunction, interjection setur when adverb, conjunction, interjection sevi low (physical connotation) adjective se͡ira Draconic friend (loyalty connotation) noun contrast 'ita' se͡ira kavkem friend (loyalty connotation) noun contrast 'ita' se͡ira Threadwielder loyal and trustworthy individual noun contrast 'ita' se͡iru loyalty noun related to se͡ira shaj beryllium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shaj'byin fluorine (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'hyin oxygen (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'lyin nitrogen (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'pyin neon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'ryin carbon (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'shyin beryllium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'syin boron (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shaj'zyin lithium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation shara- (numeral) numeral see numbers shari Draconic supernatural entity noun shari kavkem supernatural entity noun shatel (numeral) numeral see numbers shemis to be able to endure; to perserve against; to tolerate (ability to endure connotation) verb contrast 'yuhas' sho'baj flerovium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand sho'haj lead (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand sho'laj tin (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand sho'raj germanium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand sho'saj silicon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand sho'shaj carbon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'baj copernicium (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'baj'hobitul meitnerium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hohitul hassium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'holitul bohrium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homibul americium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homilul plutonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homimul californium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hominul berkelium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homiphul fermium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homithul mendelevium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homitul copernicum (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'homivul einsteinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'honitul roentgenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hopitul darmstadtium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'horitul seaborgium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hoshitul rutherfordium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hositul dubnium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hozibul curium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hozirul neptunium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hozishul protactinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'hozisul uranium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'shomitul thorium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'baj'zomitul actinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj barium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'haj'hobitul iridium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hohitul osmium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'holitul rhenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homi barium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homibul europium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homihul samarium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homilul promethium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homimul dysprosium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hominul terbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homiphul erbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homirul neodymium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homisul praseodymium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homithul thulium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homitul mercury (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'homivul holmium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'horitul tungsten (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hoshitul hafnium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hositul tantalum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hozi lanthanum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hozibul gadolinium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hozitul lutetium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'haj'hozizul cerium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'laj cadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'laj'holi technetium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'laj'homi cadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'laj'hoshi zirconium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'laj'hozi yttrium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'laj'li technetium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'raj calcium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'raj'ho calcium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hobi cobalt (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hohi iron (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'holi manganese (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'homi zinc (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hopi nickel (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hoshi titanium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hosi vanadium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'hozi scandium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'raj'li manganese (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened shy'raj'mi zinc (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'saj magnesium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand shy'saj'ho magnesium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'shaj beryllium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy'zaj helium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shy- denotes two electrons in the outermost s-shell component often omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements shyho'baj'mitul radon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyho'haj'mitul radon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyho'laj'mi xenon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyho'raj'mi krypton (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyho'saj argon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyho'shaj neon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyhomi'raj palladium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyin actinium (molecular connotation); americium (molecular connotation); any element with 2 electrons in its valence shell; barium (molecular connotation); berkelium (molecular connotation); beryllium (molecular connotation); bohrium (molecular connotation); cadmium (molecular connotation); calcium (molecular connotation); californium (molecular connotation); cerium (molecular connotation); cobalt (molecular connotation); copernicium (molecular connotation); curium (molecular connotation); darmstadtium (molecular connotation); dubnium (molecular connotation); dysprosium (molecular connotation); einsteinium (molecular connotation); erbium (molecular connotation); europium (molecular connotation); fermium (molecular connotation); gadolinium (molecular connotation); hafnium (molecular connotation); hassium (molecular connotation); helium (molecular connotation); holmium (molecular connotation); iridium (molecular connotation); iron (molecular connotation); lanthanum (molecular connotation); lutetium (molecular conno noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element shylo'baj'mitul tennessine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shylo'haj'mitul astatine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shylo'laj'mi iodine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shylo'raj'mi bromine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shylo'saj chlorine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shylo'shaj fluorine (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'baj'mitul livermorium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'haj'mitul polonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'laj'mi tellurium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'raj'mi selenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'saj sulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyro'shaj oxygen (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'baj'mitul flerovium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'haj'mitul lead (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'laj'mi tin (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'raj'mi germanium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'saj silicon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shysho'shaj carbon (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'baj'mitul moscovium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'haj'mitul bismuth (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'laj'mi antimony (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'raj'mi arsenic (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'saj phosphorus (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyso'shaj nitrogen (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'baj'mitul lawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'haj'mitul thalium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'laj'mi indium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'raj'mi gallium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'saj aluminium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation shyzo'shaj boron (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation siigu how adverb related to 'siipal' siipal which interrogative pronoun sijaak management (the act of managing); organisation (the act of organising) noun sijakas to manage; to organise verb sikes to exchange (sharing connotation); to make joint use of; to share verb silur where interrogative pronoun sin till; to; toward; until preposition contrast 'et' sinar whether interrogative pronoun sinun what noun, interrogative pronoun doubles as 'who' informally Sinunai who noun, interrogative pronoun either formal or for disambiguation with 'sinun' siran whom interrogative pronoun sireju insight; vision noun siri regret noun siri Draconic sorrow noun siri kavkem sorrow noun siro kavkem ~1.39 nero; duration of one Dasirvi orbit; ward (unit of time) noun chiefly in mythological use sirys to regret verb sithash whose interrogative pronoun sivid digit (physiological connotation); finger; toe noun compare 'savidam' sivid Threadwielder pointing device noun compare 'savidam' siyinike acid (literal connotation) noun skaar discovery noun skaaras to detect; to discover; to find; to uncover verb skuro kavkem ~5220.6 siro; ~7256.6 nero; duration of one Daskuvar orbit; era (unit of time) noun chiefly in mythological use so'baj moscovium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand so'haj bismuth (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand so'laj antimony (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand so'raj arsenic (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand so'saj phosphorus (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand so'shaj nitrogen (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand soleq floor; ground; planetary surface noun soqus to heal; to invigorate; to mend wounds verb soquust health noun sos̈et kavkem green with an invisible ultraviolet component (human quale); green-violet (kavkem quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour sova all right; fine (well-being connotation); okay adjective sovamak gut feeling; hunch; instinct; subconscience; subconsciousness noun contains 'mak' sovol below; beneath; down; under (directional meaning only) adverb, preposition, adjective sras̈ plea; submissive enquiry or request noun sras̈as to beg; to plead verb compare is̈elis subenos to encircle; to enclose; to engulf; to envelop; to surround; to wrap verb subente around; encircling; on every side of; surrounding adverb, preposition related to the 'benta*' family of words sun ruin (social connotation) noun sunas to abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation) verb sunys to dethrone; to ruin (social connotation) verb suromak Draconic intelligent; smart adverb, adjective suromak kavkem intelligent; smart adverb, adjective suromak Threadwielder sapient; sentient adverb, adjective suros to have a hunch; to intuit verb contrast 'vedis' suros Draconic to contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to think verb contrast 'vedis' suros kavkem to contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to think verb contrast 'vedis' suros Threadwielder to think (visceral or immediate connotation) verb contrast 'vedis' suru Draconic thought noun contrast 'vedeth' suru kavkem thought noun contrast 'vedeth' suru Threadwielder thought (visceral or immediate connotation) noun contrast 'vedeth' sye threat (verbal connotation); warning noun syees to express a warning not to approach; to threaten (verbal connotation) verb syees Draconic to bristle; to hiss; to viciously demand personal space verb syees kavkem to bristle; to hiss; to viciously demand personal space verb syin aluminium (molecular connotation); any element with 3 electrons in its valence shell; boron (molecular connotation); gallium (molecular connotation); indium (molecular connotation); lawrencium (molecular connotation); thallium (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element synis to be victorious; to beat; to win verb synu͡i success; victory; win noun szames to insulate; to protect (passive connotation); to shield (passive connotation) verb szamha protection; safety; security noun szases to rescue; to save verb szash rescuer; saviour noun szatev kavkem rescue shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation) noun szavi bunker; hiding place; safe space noun s̈ebaka͡in adventure noun s̈elet kavkem indigo (kavkem quale); ultraviolet (invisible) (human quale) adjective contrast 'edath', kavkem primary colour s̈eleth kavkem ultraviolet (invisible) (human quale); violet (kavkem quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour s̈elos Draconic to breathe; to exhale; to inhale verb contrast 'eqas' and 'davares' s̈elos kavkem to breathe; to exhale; to inhale verb contrast 'eqas' and 'davares' s̈elos Threadwielder to ingest gases; to refuel verb contrast 'eqas' and 'davares' s̈elt desire (dream connotation); dream (conscious connotation); wish noun s̈eltus to ask for (ideological connotation); to desire; to dream of; to long for; to want (ideological connotation); to wish for; to yearn for verb contrast 'ysikus' s̈elu breath noun ta and conjunction ta'- doing the opposite of (active connotation) modifier for verbs taab opposite noun Taakas̈ kavkem the Sleeping Day (day of the week) noun fifth day of the week, not present in every week, abbreviated KA taamis to diminish; to shrink; to wither verb taanosh dawn (literal connotation); morning; sunrise noun Taanosh kavkem sunrise (named time of day) noun fourth hour of the day Taaqan kavkem the Living Day (day of the week) noun third day of the week, abbreviated QA taara distinctive shape; form; nature noun contrast 'kam' taath Draconic day noun taath kavkem day noun taath Threadwielder the illuminated side of a planetary body noun Taathysa kavkem the Youngest Day (day of the week) noun first day of a week, abbreviated TH taath² kavkem day (unit of time) noun Taatuman kavkem the Learning Day (day of the week) noun second day of the week, abbreviated TU taayis to become; to change; to morph verb contrast with 'akys', intransitive only Taayut kavkem the Dying Day (day of the week) noun fourth day of the week, abbreviated YU taka able; capable; possessing fitness for a particular cause adjective contrast with 'damun' takar master (skill connotation) noun takaras to master (skill connotation); to reach a point of maximum prowess verb compare 'karos' taks̈e͡i electronic; magnetic adjective taks̈o electro-magnetism noun related to 'etakas' taks̈omu baryonic matter noun taleq boundary; end noun 'parent' word of taq. taleqas to bring an end to; to conclude; to end; to finish verb contrast 'mesas' and 'makoris' tama endurant; firm; resilient; stable; strong (physical connotation); sturdy adverb, adjective contrast 'butama' tamijor kavkem grin; smile noun tamijorus kavkem to grin; to smile verb tamil kavkem delight (emotive connotation); happiness; joy noun tamilis kavkem to have fun; to play verb tamiyem kavkem drive (motivational connotation); motivation noun tanag enemy (endangering connotation); threat (opponent or obstacle connotation) noun tanagos to inspire great caution; to intimidate verb tanagos Draconic to scare verb tanagos kavkem to horrify; to scare; to terrify; to threaten (emotional connotation) verb tanakaan horror (something horrible); monster; terror (something terrible) noun tapradagos kavkem to laugh at (negative connotation); to mock; to sneer at verb tapranas kavkem to be rude; to disrespect; to hurt (verbally); to insult; to speak unkindly; to wound (verbally) verb taq destination; finish line; goal (wandering connotation) noun tar across; over; throughout preposition tara- (numeral) numeral see numbers tarathas̈ cluster of vegetation noun tarathas̈ Draconic forest noun tarathas̈ kavkem forest noun taros to expand; to grow (literal connotation); to multiply (procreational or chemical connotation) verb taru expansion; growth (literal connotation) noun taryk connection (physical connotation); connector; neck noun taryrro kavkem sinew noun tarys to associate (physical connotation); to connect (physical connotation) verb tasath kavkem light with a wavelength between 400 and 600 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'oso' tasath Threadwielder light with a wavelength between 400 and 600 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'oso' tashas to affix something; to arrange; to place; to put somewhere; to situate verb compare 'has̈as' tasomaan kavkem belly noun tasor kavkem tree noun tatel (numeral) numeral see numbers tattaksas kavkem to shoot verb tattasku kavkem shot noun tava many; much determiner tavai more comparative determiner tavi͡ysas kavkem to bear a clutch verb tavi͡ysas̈ kavkem clutch (offspring connotation) noun tayil past (chronological connotation) noun ta͡imaan core (physiological connotation); part of body with high density of essential organs; torso noun ta͡ithas to lose; to misplace verb alternate form of 'ta'ethas' ta͡ithet loss noun teda aid; assistance; help; support noun compare 'naqu' tedas to assist; to help; to support verb tek call (vocal connotation); loud vocalisation noun tekenos to call; to cry (neutral, vocal connotation); to shout verb tekos̈as to broadcast distress verb tekos̈as kavkem to scream; to wail in anguish verb tel none; nothing noun, determiner Temaderr Draconic winter noun temi tepid; warm adjective temor temperature noun temra warmth (physical connotation) noun teresh word noun teris to invert; to reverse verb tes̈eto Threadwielder direction in a fourth spatial dimension, opposite of gumos (directional meaning only); outward from brane adjective teth defeat noun tethas to be victorious over; to bring down (combative connotation); to defeat; to vanquish verb tev component; constituent; element (component connotation); part; piece; shard; shrapnel; splinter noun Tevasur kavkem Samh; u Andromedae c noun teve͡i certain (amount connotation); some determiner, pronoun "pronoun" use not actually existent - always used as a determiner tevis to appear in; to be featured in; to figure in; to participate; to play a role in verb tevo kavkem ~2.82 yennedo; duration of one Tesavur relative orbit; pass (unit of time) noun te͡i enough; sufficient; sufficiently adverb, interjection, determiner tham Draconic colour in the range from violet to blue noun tham kavkem colour in the range from violet to blue noun tham Threadwielder high-frequency photonic light; ultraviolet noun thanam agreement; contract; deal noun thara- (numeral) numeral see numbers thatel (numeral) numeral see numbers thegos to be preoccupied; to move restlessly; to obsess; to prowl verb theksis to prey upon (emotional connotation) verb thenet gas detector; instrument that can determine molecular composition; nose noun thenis to perceive molecular composition; to smell (physiological connotation) verb thenis Draconic to taste verb thenis Threadwielder to taste verb theres to hunt; to stalk; to track verb contrast 'keros' theresh opponent (inferior or oblivious connotation); prey; target (combative connotation) noun thero kavkem hunter (shard or group role) noun theru hunt noun thesepir cyclone; dust devil; swirl; tornado; vortex; whirlpool; whirlwind noun thesos to swirl; to whirl verb thevas to agree; to concur; to cooperate verb contrast 'tse͡ivas'va' thun Draconic colour in the range from orange to red noun thun kavkem colour in the range from orange to red noun thun Threadwielder infrared; low-frequency photonic light noun ti each determiner tiiris to be in pain; to mourn; to suffer verb tiiru mourning; suffering noun tinis to feel (internal or mood connotation) verb tiras to activate; to elate; to inspire; to vitalise verb contrast 'keros', contrast 'ki͡utos' tkanala kavkem an afterlife of suffering; hell noun often used metaphorically togi on; upon preposition tol into; through adverb, preposition toome maybe; perhaps; possibly adverb torem fighter (negative connotation); violent enemy; warrior (negative connotation) noun toret conflict; struggle; war noun torugem door; gate; mouth of a cave; opening; window noun contrast 'mir' torunus to open; to remove a trivial obstacle to travel verb toru͡i open; unguarded; unlocked adjective tosis to discard; to dismiss; to drop (non-attentive connotation) verb tovas to assume (medium confidence connotation); to estimate; to extrapolate (medium confidence connotation); to presume (medium confidence connotation) verb related to 'toome' and 'kevas' tsadam cut; slash; wound noun tsadamas to cut; to maul; to slash; to wound verb contrast 'os̈as' tsaros to attempt; to give one's best; to try verb compare 'takaras' tsaru attempt; try noun tsavi ajar; apart; asunder adverb tsavis to delineate; to make distinct; to part; to separate; to split verb tseja luminous explosion; luminous illusion; nova; retinal burn noun tseks̈ high amplitude; powerful (physical force connotation) adverb, adjective tseks̈ Draconic loud adverb, adjective tseks̈ kavkem loud adverb, adjective tseles to gain (social or metaphorical connotation) verb contrast 'tuvas' tselu advantage; benefit; gain noun tsepis to be turned toward; to confront; to face verb tsessat explosion; sudden hail of shards; the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardously noun tsessatas to come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinter verb tsevon volume noun tse͡ivas to argue against; to complain; to disagree with; to object verb tse͡ivu argument (contrary connotation); complaint; disagreement; objection noun tsiris to become loosely acquainted with someone or something; to meet verb tsu'- doing again; doing once more; repeating modifier for verbs tsunos to repeat verb tsunu repetition noun ts̈el anger (cold or calculating connotation); rage (cold or calculating connotation); seething (cold or calculating connotation); wrath (cold or calculating connotation) noun tu either; or conjunction tumanus to learn; to realise (cerebral connotation) verb tura fresh; new adjective turo reality noun turun by (possessive, authoritative or source connotation) preposition tuvas to acquire; to gain (literal connotation); to get; to receive verb contrast 'tseles' udas left (directional meaning only) adjective udu dangerous; mismatched; unpleasant; unwelcome adjective udu Draconic afoul; bad; wilted adjective udu kavkem afoul; bad; wilted adjective udules̈em fool; idiot noun uki compact; dense; tight adjective ut kavkem death (positive or neutral connotation) noun uvu Draconic nature (positive connotation) noun uvu kavkem nature (positive connotation) noun uvu Threadwielder physical processes which naturally conform to one's pleasure, expectations and plans noun va they (plural) personal pronoun va'ik themselves (plural) reflexive pronoun Vaagaronosh kavkem twilight sunfloat (named time of day) noun second hour of the day Vaaka͡inosh kavkem twilight sunsink (named time of day) noun seventh hour of the day Vaakinosh kavkem twilight sunset (named time of day) noun sixth hour of the day vaas̈ gravely unfortunate adjective pertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil' vaas̈ Draconic horrible; terrible adjective pertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil' vaas̈ kavkem horrible; terrible adjective pertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil' vaas̈u cataclysm; catastrophe; grave misfortune noun vaata twilight noun Vaatanosh kavkem twilight sunrise (named time of day) noun third hour of the day vadu as planned; expected (positive connotation); good adjective vahr section of space-time; world noun 'parent' word of losa, nagiji and nigi. vai their (plural) possessive pronoun vakis to burrow; to dig; to empty; to hollow out; to plunder; to strip verb vako emptiness; hollow; hollowness (literal connotation) noun contrast with 'orig' valcee strength noun, adjective only the honorific form is an adjective, used as an honorific in some Draconic cultures only valcee Draconic honourable man (honorific connotation) noun, adjective only the honorific form is an adjective, used as an honorific in some Draconic cultures only vale father or mother in species with sexual dimorphism; parent (biological connotation) noun valek kavkem orange-red (human and kavkem quale) adjective contrast 'banthu', kavkem primary colour valeth kavkem red (human and kavkem quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour validi kavkem fuchsia (human quale); magenta (human quale); purple (human quale); red-turquoise (kavkem quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour valoso kavkem orange (human and kavkem quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour vals̈et kavkem fuchsia (kavkem quale); magenta (kavkem quale); purple (kavkem quale); red with an invisible ultraviolet component (human quale) adjective kavkem secondary colour vanas to ease; to simplify verb vanna easy; effortless; trivial adjective vaqi arid; dry adjective from 'ava qaji', compare 'aderr' Vaqi their (plural) (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Vaqui' or 'Vakwi' vara- (numeral) numeral see numbers vargos kavkem to rain verb vargu kavkem rain noun varran bully; individual with a bark worse than their bite; menace (derogatory connotation) noun varranas to bully; to exert pressure on (social connotation); to menace verb vasa͡i experienced; old adjective vas̈'- kavkem favouring the lower-frequency colour (for non-spectral colours); lower frequency (for spectral colours); more red modifier for colour adjectives vatel (numeral) numeral see numbers vazhi gradual; slow adjective Vazhireth Draconic autumn; fall (seasonal connotation) noun preferred to 'qos̈eth' in some cultures Vazhyeno kavkem 5-day week noun va͡imaryk kavkem mane noun ve them (plural) accusative pronoun vedeth Threadwielder thought (clear or reasoned connotation) noun contrast 'suru' vedis to reason verb contrast 'suros' vedis Threadwielder to contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to think (clear or reasoned connotation) verb contrast 'suros' vek with adverb, preposition velos̈ Threadwielder Planetshine noun vem'- kavkem light (colour lightness) modifier for colour adjectives vemakes to appear briefly; to flash; to pulse (visual phenomenon meaning only) verb vemakes̈ flash; light pulse; sudden illumination (literal connotation) noun vemako kavkem 1/8 resho; second (unit of time) noun vemath kavkem daylight noun Vemistath Draconic summer noun preferred to 'maveo' in some cultures venaq likely; plausible; probable adjective venat Draconic the sky noun defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day venat kavkem the sky noun defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day venat Threadwielder pattern in the superclusters noun defined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day venthu kavkem light with a wavelength between 300 and 500 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'idi²' venthu Threadwielder light with a wavelength between 300 and 500 nm noun scientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'idi²' veregeth fog; haze; mist noun contrast 'heyesh' verhen community; coven; group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; people (singular) (cultural connotation) noun ves kavkem bird or pterosaur noun vesaviho kavkem specific species of coastal pterosaur noun vhera enemy (strategic connotation); opponent noun vihon wing noun vimiseph sparkle noun vimisephys to sparkle verb viri item; object; thing noun virinis̈ kavkem country; nation noun virr claimed land; homesteaded area; property; territory noun viya of peaceful air adjective viya Draconic kind; nice; of pleasant personality adjective viya kavkem kind; nice; of pleasant personality adjective voni wave noun vys to fly; to glide verb y Draconic us accusative pronoun only used in some sub-dialects y kavkem us accusative pronoun only used in some sub-dialects yai appreciated; precious adjective usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects yai Draconic dear adjective usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects yai kavkem dear adjective usually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects yeen heat noun contrast 'yra' Yeenajei kavkem Saffar; u Andromedae b noun yeku being; creature; living thing noun 'parent' word of yeren and keji. yemak brain; mind noun yemaqan volition; will; will-power noun contrast 'damake͡i' yemmar cauldron; container (for liquids); cup; glass (container connotation); kettle; mug; pot; vase noun yemmu bag; generic container; rucksack; sack; vessel noun yemmysa kavkem egg noun yenaak kavkem mammal noun derogatory yenaksim kavkem specific species of small, carnivorous marsupial noun yenami kavkem mole (literal connotation); mouse; rat; rodent noun yennedo kavkem 111 taath; 25 yeno; calendar (unit of time); duration until the pattern of Yeenajei orbits re-aligns with Nekenalosan days noun yeno kavkem duration of one Yeenajei relative orbit; week (unit of time) noun yeren animal (non-sapient); creature noun yerralejon kavkem specific species of large bird of prey, capable of preying on kavkem hatchlings noun yes̈elek net noun yes̈elek kavkem spiderweb; web noun yes̈ura kavkem spider noun yidreth mortal noun yili current time; now; present (chronological connotation) noun, adverb type 'adverb' applies only to 'now' yilos to await; to bide one's time; to wait verb yilun future noun yirh Draconic immortal flying creature with mythological properties (like a phoenix or angel); powerful protector spirit noun yirh kavkem immortal flying creature with mythological properties (like a phoenix or angel); powerful protector spirit noun yirh Threadwielder universe external Threadwielders noun yko no more; not any more adverb contrast 'nii' ynas to bewitch; to charm; to enchant; to imbue with mysterious behaviour verb ynas̈ Draconic enchantment noun ynas̈ kavkem enchantment noun ynas̈ Threadwielder artificial behaviour of something that is not understood noun yra energy (physical or physiological connotation) noun contrast 'yeen' yrhen emergent phenomenon noun yrhen Draconic spirit noun yrhen kavkem spirit noun yrhe͡i kavkem spiritual adjective yri just; merely; only; simply adverb, adjective, conjunction yria kavkem life (negative connotation) noun e.g. life of slavery or suffering yriis kavkem to live (negative connotation) verb yros̈ metal noun yrys to give temporary power; to grant strength; to imbue with energy verb ysakel Draconic boy; young male individual noun where the sex exists ysakel kavkem boy; young male individual noun where the sex exists ysasaar Draconic girl; young female individual noun where the sex exists ysasaar kavkem girl; young female individual noun where the sex exists ysash sapient creature, too young for abstract communication noun ysash kavkem hatchling not yet capable of speech noun Ysastar Draconic spring noun preferred to 'ahemeth' in some cultures ysaz birth; freedom of movement; hatching noun ysazas to bear offspring; to create life; to have a child; to procreate verb ysa͡i inexperienced; young adjective ysik hope noun ysikus to hope verb contrast 's̈eltus' ys̈ill kavkem prayer noun ys̈ilus kavkem to pray verb yuhas to allow; to let (permission connotation); to permit; to tolerate (permission connotation) verb contrast 'shemis' yuhei reprieve or mercy noun used stand-alone yuhe͡iden granted leeway; permission noun first part of a compound word; always to have, to do or to be that something, e.g. 'yuheiden-hes̈i': permission to do battle yutas kavkem to die (positive connotation) verb contrast 'adrethas' za'alyr Draconic dream (positive connotation) noun za'alyr kavkem dream (positive connotation) noun za'alyr Threadwielder very pleasant but only vaguely remembered experience noun zaba͡i trash; waste noun zagash illusionist noun zagash kavkem mage; magician; sorcerer; warlock; witch noun zahiye Draconic magic (literal connotation) noun zahiye kavkem magic (literal connotation) noun zahiye Threadwielder magic (sarcastic connotation); obscured functionality noun zaj helium noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zaj'shyin helium (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation zaj'zyin hydrogen (molecular connotation) noun short form elemental notation zal beautiful (physical connotation) adjective zalaar Draconic beauty (spiritual connotation) noun zalaar kavkem beauty (spiritual connotation) noun zalaar Threadwielder beauty (abstract connotation) noun zalc basic; simple adjective zalcomu dark matter noun zara- (numeral) numeral see numbers zarmat kavkem specific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsian noun zatel (numeral) numeral see numbers zejal prediction; prophecy noun zejalos to assume (high confidence connotation); to extrapolate (high confidence connotation); to predict; to presume (high confidence connotation); to prophesise verb zejash Draconic prophet noun zeki kavkem timely adjective zel reflecting light; white adjective colour impression, contrast with 'evem' zet almost adverb Zetaqa Draconic it (honorific connotation); they (singular) (honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Zetaqua' or 'Zetakwa' Zetaqa kavkem it (honorific connotation); they (singular) (honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation) personal pronoun also written 'Zetaqua' or 'Zetakwa' Zetaqi Draconic its (honorific connotation); their (singular) (honorific connotation); ver (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Zetaqui' or 'Zetakwi' Zetaqi kavkem its (honorific connotation); their (singular) (honorific connotation); ver (honorific connotation) possessive pronoun also written 'Zetaqui' or 'Zetakwi' zete it accusative pronoun zete Draconic them (singular) accusative pronoun zete kavkem them (singular, unknown gender) accusative pronoun zetu it personal pronoun zetu Draconic they (singular) personal pronoun zetu kavkem they (singular, unknown gender) personal pronoun zetu'ik itself reflexive pronoun zetu'ik Draconic themselves (singular) reflexive pronoun zetu'ik kavkem themselves (singular, unknown gender) reflexive pronoun zetui its possessive pronoun zetui Draconic their (singular) possessive pronoun zetui kavkem their (singular, unknown gender) possessive pronoun ze͡i'- could do; may do; might do modifier for verbs zikamias to bet; to wager verb zikias to assume (low confidence connotation); to extrapolate (low confidence connotation); to guess; to presume (low confidence connotation) verb related to 'mizihi' and 'lukias' zilzi hes̈etiki kavkem species of hes̈etikia which have black and white tail fans noun zith away from; off preposition zithadagas to dislodge; to shake off verb zo'baj'tul lawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zo'haj thallium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zo'laj indium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zo'raj gallium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zo'saj aluminium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zo'shaj boron (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zugesh isolation; privacy; reclusion; withdrawal (social connotation) noun zugos to isolate; to withdraw verb transitive only, but often used on self as an object zugu isolated; private; reclusive adjective zujo kavkem spine (non-skeletal connotation); thorn noun compare 'jo' zur luck noun zur Draconic good fortune noun zur kavkem good fortune noun zy'baj francium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'baj'homitul francium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'haj caesium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'haj'homi caesium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'haj'homitul gold (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'haj'honitul platinum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'haj'ni platinum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'haj'tul gold (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'laj rubidium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'laj'bi ruthenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'laj'hobi ruthenium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'laj'holi molybdenum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'laj'homi rubidium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'laj'hopi rhodium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'laj'hori niobium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'laj'li molybdenum (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'laj'pi rhodium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'laj'ri niobium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'raj potassium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'raj'ho potassium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'raj'holi chromium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'raj'homi copper (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'raj'li chromium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened zy'raj'mi copper (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shortened zy'saj sodium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation, shorthand zy'saj'ho sodium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'shaj lithium (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy'zaj hydrogen (molecular connotation) noun generic long form elemental notation zy- denotes one electron in the outermost s-shell component of long form elements zyin any element with only 1 electron in its valence shell; caesium (molecular connotation); chromium (molecular connotation); copper (molecular connotation); francium (molecular connotation); gold (molecular connotation); hydrogen (molecular connotation); lithium (molecular connotation); molybdenum (molecular connotation); niobium (molecular connotation); platinum (molecular connotation); potassium (molecular connotation); rhodium (molecular connotation); rubidium (molecular connotation); ruthenium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation); sodium (molecular connotation) noun usually used with a shell count modifier, element zykesh flight (combative connotation); retreat (combative connotation) noun zykes̈as to flee; to retreat verb zys bitterly cold object; ice noun zyshas to hurry; to move quickly; to run verb zyshi fast; quick; rapid; swift adjective Zyshyeno kavkem 4-day week noun zys̈'- kavkem favouring the higher-frequency colour (for non-spectral colours); higher frequency (for spectral colours); more violet modifier for colour adjectives zys̈adagas to jitter; to vibrate verb zys̈adagas kavkem to shake; to shiver; to tremble verb zys̈adarros kavkem to express fondness of with wordless sounds; to laugh at (friendly connotation); to purr verb contrast 'tapradagos' zys̈adat sound noun zyvar star noun