-'aos̈too much ofmodifierfor adjectives
-'armoremodifierfor adjectives
-'ararmostmodifierfor adjectives
-'baj'-denotes that an element has 7 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'einot having the attributes ofmodifierfor nouns to make an adjective
-'haj'-denotes that an element has 6 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'iijgroup with traits ofmodifierfor nouns
-'inilessmodifierfor adjectives
-'ininleastmodifierfor adjectives
-'ios̈too little ofmodifierfor adjectives
-'ishaving the attributes ofmodifierfor nouns to make an adjective
-'laj'-denotes that an element has 5 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'paj'-denotes that an element has 8 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'raj'-denotes that an element has 4 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'saj'-denotes that an element has 3 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'shaj'-denotes that an element has 2 electron shells in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-'vadesisting from; not doing; refusing to domodifierfor verbs
-'zaj'-denotes that an element has only one electron shell in totalmodifierused as a prefix for shortform elements (-yin), used as an infix for longform elements
-bi-denotes seven electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-buldenotes seven electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-emsomeone that does; something that doesmodifierfor verbs to make a noun
-hi-denotes six electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-ho-denotes six electrons in the outermost p-shellcomponentoften omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements
-huldenotes six electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-li-denotes five electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-lo-denotes five electrons in the outermost p-shellcomponentof long form elements
-luldenotes five electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-main a manner of; in a way ofmodifierfor adjectives to make an adverb
-mi-denotes ten electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentoften omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements
-muldenotes ten electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-ni-denotes nine electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-nuldenotes nine electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-phuldenotes twelve electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-pi-denotes eight electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-puldenotes eight electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-ri-denotes four electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-ro-denotes four electrons in the outermost p-shellcomponentof long form elements
-ruldenotes four electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-shi-denotes two electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-sho-denotes two electrons in the outermost p-shellcomponentof long form elements
-shuldenotes two electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-si-denotes three electrons in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-so-denotes three electrons in the outermost p-shellcomponentof long form elements
-suldenotes three electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-thuldenotes thirteen electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-tuldenotes fourteen electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentoften omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements
-vuldenotes eleven electrons in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
-zi-denotes one electron in the outermost d-shellcomponentof long form elements
-zo-denotes one electron in the outermost p-shellcomponentof long form elements
-zuldenotes one electron in the outermost f-shellcomponentof long form elements
aourpossessive pronoun
adaryrDraconicdream (negative connotation); nightmarenoun
adaryrkavkemdream (negative connotation); nightmarenoun
adaryrThreadwielderdeeply unpleasant but only vaguely remembered experiencenoun
aderrThreadwieldertime of hardship borne of scarce resourcesnoun
adrethkavkemdeath (negative connotation)noun
adrethasDraconicto dieverbcontrast 'yutas'
adrethaskavkemto die (negative connotation)verbcontrast 'yutas'
adrethasThreadwielderto dieverbcontrast 'yutas'
adryncorpse; remains (deceased connotation); skeleton (deceased connotation)noun
ahemethincrease of chemical activity; phase of rising temperatures; time of warmingnounpreferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures
ahemethDraconicspring (where the season exists)nounpreferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures
ahemethThreadwielderspring (where the season exists)nounpreferred to 'Ysastar' in some Draconic cultures
akualso; equally; likewise; similarlyadverb
akysto be; to existverb
amake͡ivashfirst learnt language; mother tonguenoun
amancare; concern (nurturing connotation)noun
amanatally (political connotation); altruist; benefactor; guardian (political connotation); philanthropenoun
amanisto be alert toward the needs of; to be engaged with a topic; to care; to have a helpful predisposition towardverb
amanothcaretaker; guardian (social connotation); parent (social connotation)noun
amuconsequently; ergo; then; thusadverb
amurkavkemdiluted (colour saturation); pale (colour saturation)modifieruse adjective modifiers to denote saturation, for colour adjectives
amurrakavkemgray (human and kavkem quale); grey (human and kavkem quale)adjectivecolour quale
anaaksomeone (indeterminate or abstract connotation); something (indeterminate or abstract connotation)nouncontrast with q'uru viri or q'uru keji when chosing from a determined/specific set
aniaxiom; fundamental assumption; premisenoun
aqenlizard; reptilenoun
aqenThreadwieldermammal; non-aquatic animalnoun
ara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
araa͡insurface tensionnoun
arab7; sevennumeral
arad15; fifteennumeral
araf12; twelvenumeral
arag17; seventeennumeral
arah6; sixnumeral
araj16; sixteennumeral
arak19; nineteennumeral
araks20; twentynumeral
aral5; fivenumeral
aram10; tennumeral
aran9; ninenumeral
arap8; eightnumeral
araq18; eighteennumeral
arar4; fournumeral
aras3; threenumeral
arash2; twonumeral
arat14; fourteennumeral
arath13; thirteennumeral
arav11; elevennumeral
araz1; a; an; onearticlesee numbers
argofluid; liquidnoun'parent' word of equaaj.
argusto condense (chemical connotation); to melt; to transition something into a liquidverb
arirasto count (numeric connotation)verbcontrast 'marus'
arisfrom; of (origin, agency, composition, possessive and partitive connotations)preposition
asarborder (chiefly abstract connotation); boundary (chiefly abstract connotation); delineation (chiefly abstract connotation); edge (chiefly abstract connotation)noun
ashasto cater to; to pleaseverb
askanjoint; pivotnoun
as̈raaautonomousadjectivecontrast with 'free'
atarincollection; inventory; stash; storagenouncontrast 'preeth' and 'atehash'
atarosto collect; to reserve (material connotation); to save (material connotation); to stash; to store; to stowverb
ateharnarrative; story; talenoun
atehasto inform; to report; to share information about; to tell (communicative connotation)verboften tactical or strategic
atehashcollection of information; reportnounoften tactical or strategic
atel(numeral); zeronumeralsee numbers
ath'-kavkemdark (colour lightness)modifierfor colour adjectives
atheondarkness; lack of illuminationnoun
atheonesto darken; to dim; to extinguish a lightverb
avanotadverb, conjunction
avesarcoast; shorenoun
avevlake large enough to have persistent waves; ocean; seanoun
avevDraconicbody of liquidnoun
avevkavkembody of waternoun
avevThreadwielderbody of liquidnoun
avikohabit; mannernoun
avinitjemurkavkemwarrior (Shy͡ilun shard only)nouncompare 'jemur'
azhajanaakkavkemspecific species of small, insectivorous, burrowing marsupialnoun
azhararmour; protective coveringnoun
azharesto clad or encase in armourverb
a͡ilasto administer; to applyverbcontrast 'sebis'
a͡inaqplot; schemenoun
a͡inaqesto analyse; to consider; to plot; to scheme; to weight one's optionsverbcontrast with 'les̈elus'
a͡inatayukavkemarcheology; forensic analysis; investigationnoun
babodformer; previous (ordered connotation)adjective
baburago; back in time; before (chronological connotation); previous to (chronological connotation); prior (chronological connotation)preposition, adjective, postpositiononly the honorific form is an adjective
baburThreadwielderhonourable (honorific connotation)preposition, adjective, postpositiononly the honorific form is an adjective
baj'bimeitnerium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'byintennessine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'hihassium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'hyinlivermorium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'libohrium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'lulplutonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'lyinmoscovium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'mibulamericium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'mulcurium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'niroentgenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'nulberkelium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'phulfermium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'pidarmstadtium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'pyinoganesson (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'riseaborgium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'ryinflerovium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'shirutherfordium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'shothorium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'shyinactinium (molecular connotation); americium (molecular connotation); berkelium (molecular connotation); bohrium (molecular connotation); californium (molecular connotation); copernicium (molecular connotation); curium (molecular connotation); darkmstadtium (molecular connotation); dubnium (molecular connotation); einsteinium (molecular connotation); fermium (molecular connotation); hassium (molecular connotation); meitnerium (molecular connotation); mendelevium (molecular connotation); neptunium (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); plutonium (molecular connotation); protactinium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation); roentgenium (molecular connotation); rutherfordium (molecular connotation); seaborgium (molecular connotation); thorium (molecular connotation); uranium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'sidubnium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'syinlawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
baj'thulmendelevium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'vuleinsteinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zibulcurium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zirulneptunium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zishulprotactinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zisuluranium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zoactinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
baj'zyinfrancium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
bajasto hurl; to lob; to send; to throwverb
bakakavkemeon; era; large span of timenoun
bakatafter (chronological connotation); beyond (chronological connotation); thenpreposition, adjectiveonly the honorific form is an adjective
bakatThreadwielderlesser (honorific connotation)preposition, adjectiveonly the honorific form is an adjective
bakes̈abrupt; earlier than anticipated; sudden; unexpectedadjective
banthukavkemlight with a wavelength between 500 and 700 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'valek'
banthuThreadwielderlight with a wavelength between 500 and 700 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'valek'
bantorflawed; vulnerableadjectivecontrast 'butama'inin', contrast 'butamas̈'ei'
banunDraconicsingle point of failure in a living creaturenoun
banunThreadwieldersingle point of failure in a living creaturenoun
bara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
barateprecious element (material connotation); valuable element (material connotation)noun
barusibling (spiritual connotation)noun
batain; inside; within (spatial connotation)noun, adverb, preposition, adjective
batasto enter; to pierce into non-destructively; to step insideverb
bata͡ivmodule; organnoun
batel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
ba͡iifunctional; having a purpose; usefuladjectivecontrast 'damun'
ba͡inegstaff (implement)noun
ba͡itilmission; purpose (fateful connotation); questnouncontrast 'dash'
belesto riskverb
benajarrow (symbolic connotation); directional cue; indication; sign or symbol denoting something in a position or a whereaboutsnouncontrast 'pethenet'
benajasto guide (spatial connotation); to indicate; to lead (spatial connotation); to point or gesture toward the position of somethingverbcontrast 'raajas'
benajemguide; someone showing the way (literally)noun
benisto exit; to go; to leaveverbcontrast 'hehis'
bentadabehind (spatial connotation); hidden behind something; to one's back; trailing behind someoneadverb, adjective
bentaguThreadwielderrelative to oneself in the gumos directionadverb, adjective
bentaheahead (spatial connotation); ahead of someone (spatial connotation); ahead of something (spatial connotation); infront; to one's frontadverb, adjective
bentakbeyond (spatial connotation); out; outside ofadverb, adjective
bentanaabove of someone or something (spatial connotation); atop (spatial connotation); over (spatial connotation); to one's topadverb, adjective
bentasebeside someone or something (spatial connotation); next to; to one's rightadverb, adjective
bentasobelow someone or something (spatial connotation); to one's feet; under (spatial connotation)adverb, adjective
bentateThreadwielderrelative to oneself in the tes̈eto directionadverb, adjective
bentaudbeside someone or something (spatial connotation); next to; to one's leftadverb, adjective
butamaimmortal; invincible; overwhelmingly or impossibly strong or resilient; unbeatableadjective
butamas̈immortality; invincibility; invulnerabilitynoun
byinany element with 7 electrons in its valence shell; astatine (molecular connotation); bromine (molecular connotation); chlorine (molecular connotation); fluorine (molecular connotation); iodine (molecular connotation); tennessine (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
daancomplete; undivided; wholeadjectiveof a single thing, related to 'damaan'
daaravsomething of importance or abstract value (not monetary / resource connotation)noun
dagadagbeat; pulse; rhythmic repetitionnounonomatopoeic
dagadagosto form a beat; to form a rhythm; to pulse; to throbverb
dajikey; something that opens something; unlocking itemnouncould also be used to describe a cutting or skewering weapon
dakosto clarify; to demonstrate; to reveal; to showverb
dakudemonstration; revelationnoun
daleshaim; goal (abstract connotation); intentnoun
damake͡iawareness; consciousness; self-awarenessnouncontains 'mak', 'yemaqu' and 'ke͡i'
damasekrig; rigging; scaffolding; skeleton (structural connotation)noun
damosto function (functional connotation); to workverb
damunable; capable; possessing sufficient and normal functionalityadjectivecontrast 'taka', contrast 'ba͡ii'
damutproject; worknoun
danbroad; deep (spatial connotation); large in one dimension; long (spatial connotation); thick; wideadjectivecompare 'ora'
danahestraight (spatial connotation)adjective
danashback (spatial connotation)adjective
danegDraconicbar; branch; pole; post; rafter; railingnoun
danegkavkembar; branch; pole; post; rafter; railingnoun
danegThreadwielderlong cylindric objectnoun
danes̈ysto be productive; to contribute; to progress with a plan; to work (productive connotation)verb
danikirkavkemband; bannernoun
dara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
darravesto be of importance; to matterverb
darravesDraconicto be valued, cherished or appreciatedverb
darraveskavkemto be valued, cherished or appreciatedverb
darroappreciation; thanknoun
dasatuncurrency; money; most marketable resourcenoun
dashintention; point (communicative connotation); purpose (communicative connotation)noun
DasirvikavkemMajriti; u Andromedae dnoun
dasiudeliberate; intentional; purposefuladjective
DaskuvarkavkemMekiva's companion star; υ Andromedae Bnoun
dasurdistant; remoteadjective
dasurmaakabsent-minded; forgetful; inattentive; scatter-brainedadjective
das̈'-ought to do; shall do; should domodifierfor verbs
das̈e͡iduty; obligation; onus; responsibilitynouncompare 'se͡ira'
datel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
davarfood; fuel; nutrientsnoun
davaresto eat; to ingest solids; to refuel; to swallow (physiological connotation)verbcontrast 'eqas' and 's̈elos'
davasto extract; to harvest; to reapverb
deelinert state; vacuumnoun
deenepossessing low amplitudeadverb, adjective
deeneDraconicquiet; soft (audio connotation); still (audio connotation)adverb, adjective
deenekavkemquiet; soft (audio connotation); still (audio connotation)adverb, adjective
deereshaskavkemto whisperverb
deherrboredom; resentment (passive connotation)nouncontrast 'kaal'
deherristo bore (as in boredom)verb
dejes̈intense concern for one's safetynoun
dejes̈Draconicdread; fearnoun
dejes̈kavkemdread; fear; horror (emotive connotation); terror (emotive connotation)noun
dejes̈esto feel grave unease; to worry about safety intensely and personallyverb
dejes̈esDraconicto dread; to fearverb
dejes̈eskavkemto dread; to fearverb
desurpatience; state of balance (mental connotation)noun
dezysto dodge; to escape; to evadeverb
dezys̈dodge; escape; evasionnoun
dievvalue; worth (both material and immaterial)noun
dimakDraconicwiseadverb, adjective
dimakkavkemwiseadverb, adjective
dimakThreadwielderof a sophontadverb, adjective
dimakashkavkemwisdomnounrelated to 'dimak'
diyasto misjudge due to extreme personal stressverb
diyasDraconicto panic, to come apart in fearverb
diyaskavkemto panic, to come apart in fearverb
diyas̈state of misjudgement due to extreme personal stressnoun
diyas̈Draconicpanic; visceral fearnoun
diyas̈kavkempanic; visceral fearnoun
domumass (material connotation); quantity of matter; substance (material connotation)noun
donasto accuse of (neutral or negative connotation); to attribute to (neutral or negative connotation); to blameverb
donashaccusation (neutral or negative connotation); attribution (neutral or negative connotation); blamenoun
dorasto greet; to hailverb
doras̈greeting / hail, like 'hello'interjection
doras̈uufarewell; good-bye
dovasto follow a sequence of actions; to move in discrete steps; to step; to strideverb
dovirlist; menu; sequencenoun
dravasto hold; to possess; to restrainverbpertains to both objects and people
dravemholder; master (commander connotation); ownernounpertains to both objects and people
dundale; depression (geological connotation); vale; valleynoun
dynarphysical remnants; remains; ruinsnoun
dynasto deconstruct (physical, neutral connotation); to destroy (physical, neutral connotation); to ruin (physical, neutral connotation); to tear down (physical, neutral connotation); to wreck (physical, neutral connotation)verbcontrast 'krais'
dynundeconstruction; destruction; ruinationnoun
dyriipursuit (abstract or metaphorical connotation)noun
dyristo aspire to; to be inspired by; to pursueverbpertains to abstractions, not creatures, e.g. pursuing happiness
ewepersonal pronounmeaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y'
eDraconicuspersonal pronounmeaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y'
eThreadwielderuspersonal pronounmeaning 'us' not used in some sub-dialects of Draconic, compare 'y'
e'ikourselvesreflexive pronoun
edaavkavkemfeather (decorative or primary)noun
edathkavkemlight with a wavelength between 200 and 400 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 's̈elet'
edathThreadwielderlight with a wavelength between 200 and 400 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 's̈elet'
edava͡ikavkemdown; feather (short)noun
edisto be gentle toward (physical connotation); to be physically friendly with; to caress; to pet; to stroke (affectionate connotation); to treat with careverb
egarDraconicdagger; knife; small, sharp weaponnoun
egarkavkemdagger; knife; small, sharp weaponnoun
egethH2O; water (molecular connotation)noun
ehifforwardadverb, adjective
ehiphasto advance; to follow a designated path forward; to move forward; to progressverb
ekiiblaze; impenetrable, intolerably hot obstacle; large, impressive collection of flame or firenoun
enedesto dance; to move in patternsverbintransitive only
enosto begin; to initiate; to realise (make real); to start; to take the first stepverbcontrast 'netaros'
enurbeginning; initialisation; initiative; startnoun
eokanmaintenance (status quo connotation); stabilitynoun
eokisto keep stable; to maintain; to sustainverbcontrast 'manonas'
Eqawe (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Equa' or 'Ekwa'
eqaajdrink; life-sustaining liquid; waternouncontrast: egeth
eqasto drink; to ingest liquids; to refuelverbcontrast 'davares' and 's̈elos'
Eqiour (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Equi' or 'Ekwi'
eretransparent (visual connotation)adjective
ereshglass; transparent pane; windownoun
ettoparticlecontrast 'sin'
etajemurkavkeminfiltrator (Shy͡ilun shard only); spy (Shy͡ilun shard only); thief (Shy͡ilun shard only)noun
etakaattack; hostile action against someonenoun
etakasto aggress against; to attack; to make a hostile move; to maliciously disassemble or deconstruct; to subvertverb
ethasto have; to possess (belonging connotation)verb
ethas̈possession (belonging connotation)noun
evembrightness; illumination (literal connotation); lightnoun
evenedkavkemholy; pure (spiritual connotation); sacred (spiritual connotation)adjective
evisto brighten; to illuminate (literal connotation); to lightverb
e͡ivuartificial object; contraption; machinenouncontrast 'uvu'
gades̈juvenile; protégé; pupil; sapient creature still under the protection of othersnoun'parent' word of kavama and ysash.
gamunchance; opportunitynoun
gamuqperseverence; survivalnoun
gamuqosto persevere; to surviveverb
ganirrcreative ability or prowess; imaginationnoun
ganirrysto design creatively; to imagineverbcontrast 'netaros'
ganosto explore; to inspect; to investigateverb
ganoshexploration; investigationnoun
gara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
garonatascent; risenoun
garonosto ascend; to riseverb
garosto moveverbintransitive only
garoyemairplane; boat; car; ship; vehiclenoun
gatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
gavimmediately; nowadverb
gavisto need; to requireverb
gavuexingency; necessity; need; requirementnoun
gazhilforce (physical and metaphysical connotation); great ability or skill; powernoun
gazhilhipowerful (physical and metaphysical connotation)adjective
gebindeterminate object; thingnoun
gehhigh (spatial connotation)adjective
gehosto lean over; to stand taller than; to towerverb
gemaangargoyle; sculpture; statuenoun
gene͡iemaciated; thinadjectivecontrast 'nir'
genumuboldness; couragenoun
genumuThreadwielderdesire or ability to provide aid despite personal concernsnoun
genunbold; courageousadjective
gerenisto comprehend; to understandverb
gerenukavkemleader (Shy͡ilun clan only)noun
getakbelief; faith (neutral connotation); opinionnouncontrast 'pher' and 'inim'
getakembeliever; disciple; minion (neutral connotation)noun
getakosto believe; to have faith; to hold an opinion; to swallow (intellectual connotation)verbcontrast 'kerres'
ghanbinding; restraint (physical connotation); shacklenoun
ghanisto paralyse; to pin; to restrain; to shackleverbcontrast 'dravas' and 'raas̈ys'
ghinisto squander; to wasteverb
giever (chronological connotation)adverb
gijiderrDraconicarid landscape; desertnoun
gijiderrkavkemarid landscape; desertnoun
gijiderrThreadwielderstretch of space with few resourcesnoun
girrring; something in circular arrangementnouncompare 'hu͡io'
giviimpossible; neveradverb
gorudent; furrow; groove; insetnoun
gorutkavkembaynouncompare 'goru'
gumosThreadwielderbraneward (spatial connotation); direction in a fourth spatial dimension, opposite of tes̈etoadjective
haaratDraconicdespair; emotional struggle; frantic moodnoun
haaratkavkemdespair; emotional struggle; frantic moodnoun
haaratThreadwielderstate of knowing no further optionsnoun
haaresDraconicto despair; to see no options; to struggle emotionallyverb
haareskavkemto despair; to see no options; to struggle emotionallyverb
haaresThreadwielderto have/see no optionsverb
haavukavkemleader (Shy͡ilun shard only)noun
haj'biiridium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'byinastatine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'hiosmium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'hulsamarium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'hyinpoionium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'lirhenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'lulpromethium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'lyinbismuth (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'mibuleuropium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'muldysprosium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'nulterbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'phulerbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'pyinradon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'ritungsten (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'rulneodymium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'ryinlead (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'shihafnium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'shyinbarium (molecular connotation); cerium (molecular connotation); dysprosium (molecular connotation); erbium (molecular connotation); europium (molecular connotation); gadolinium (molecular connotation); hafnium (molecular connotation); holmium (molecular connotation); iridium (molecular connotation); lanthanum (molecular connotation); lutetium (molecular connotation); mercury (molecular connotation); neodymium (molecular connotation); osmium (molecular connotation); praseodymium (molecular connotation); promethium (molecular connotation); rhenium (molecular connotation); samarium (molecular connotation); tantalum (molecular connotation); terbium (molecular connotation); thulium (molecular connotation); tungsten (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'sitantalum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'sulpraseodymium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'syinthalium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
haj'thulthulium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'tulmercury (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'vulholmium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'zilanthanum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'zibulgadolinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'zitullutetium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'zizulcerium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
haj'zyincaesium (molecular connotation); gold (molecular connotation); platinum (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
hakasto exert or have control over (social connotation, not territorial connotation)verb
hakas̈ability to command (social connotation, not territorial connotation); controlnoun
halekbase (strategic connotation); homenoun
hamuguest; visitornoun
haphisto applaud someone; to commend; to compliment; to congratulate; to flatter; to laud; to praiseverb
haphurcommendation; compliment; congratulation; flattery; praisenoun
hara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
harefcrossing; foot; hand; point of branchingnoun
harikdesolate; desperate; franticadjective
harrasto attempt to evade detection; to conceal one's presence; to hide; to seek to make oneself scarceverb
hasesto designate; to nameverbcontrast 'lanis'
hashdesignation; namenoun
has̈asto disperse; to scatterverbcompare 'tashas'
hatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
havgreatest; highest (social connotation); last; top-most; ultimateadverb, adjectivecontrast 'qanok'
haverleader (hierarchic connotation); ruler (hierarchic connotation)noun
havosto lead (hierarchic connotation); to rule (hierarchic connotation)verb
hebenasto confuse; to disorientverb
hebenashconfusion (visceral or fundamental); disorientation (visceral or fundamental)nouncompare 'mizihi'
hehisto advance (no abstract connotation); to go forward; to walkverb
hehivihokavkemspecies of anurognathid focussed on ground foragingnoun
hejanface (physiological connotation); muzzle; snoutnouncontrast 'mimaan'
hejanThreadwielderpart of body with high density of sensory organsnouncontrast 'mimaan'
helumunknownnouncompare 'sesaka'
henasahead (spatial connotation); forward; frontadjective
herakedeskavkemto fib; to lie for good reason; to say a white lieverb
herasto deceive; to distract with dishonest claims; to fake; to lead astray; to lie toverb
heras̈deceptive; fake; of mistaken attributesadjective
herijdeception; fraud; lienoun
herildestiny; fatenoun
herilisto be subject to one's fate; to deserveverb
hes̈emdefender; fighter; guardian (physical connotation); protector; warrior (positive connotation)noun
hes̈esto defend (combat connotation); to guard; to look out for (protective connotation); to protect (active connotation); to shield (active connotation)verb
hes̈etikikavkemany one species of thescalosaurid that live in small herds and take turns watching over each othernoun
hes̈ibattle; fight; strugglenoun
hes̈iasto antagonise and be antagonised; to battle; to be in struggle with; to fightverb
heyasto blur; to enshroud; to obscure; to shroud; to veilverb
heyeshhaze; membrane; shroud; translucent pane; veilnouncontrast 'veregeth', contrast 'laa͡i'
hithisto notice; to perceive; to tell (perceptive connotation)verb
ho'bajoganesson (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ho'hajradon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ho'lajxenon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ho'sajargon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ho'shajneon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
hu͡iocirclenouncontrast 'ovo', contrast 'girr'
hyinany element with 6 electrons in its valence shell; livermorium (molecular connotation); oxygen (molecular connotation); polonium (molecular connotation); selenium (molecular connotation); sulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation); tellurium (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
idalcomplete; undivided; wholeadjectiveof a group of things with common traits
idigemstone (commonly literal connotation, but possible as a metaphor); jewel; precious, decorative resourcenoun
idis̈elkavkemblue (kavkem quale); violet (human quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
idi²kavkemblue (human quale); indigo (human quale); turquoise (kavkem quale)adjectivecontrast 'venthu', kavkem primary colour
ikejtogetherness; unitynoun
ikejasto uniteverbcontrast 'is'
iktiskavkemto fish (literal connotation)verb
iku'-abstract; metaphorical; virtualmodifierfor nouns
imerdiligence; reliabilitynoun
imilittle (size connotation); small (but not tiny)adjectivecontrast 'nir'
ineekill (sustenance connotation); slain preynoun
inenesto kill (sustenance connotation); to prey upon (sustenance connotation); to slaughter (sustenance connotation); to slay (sustenance connotation)verb
inithanpreposition, conjunction
inimargument; offer (communicative connotation); stated or voiced opinionnouncontrast 'pher' and 'getak'
inimisto argue for or against a matter; to bargain; to barter; to discuss with an outcome in mindverb
initikavkemvisible (literal connotation)adjective
irasto close; to lockverb
iruasto choose; to decide (personal fate connotation); to electverb
isto combine; to join (material connotation); to knit together; to link; to make the delineation between indistinguishable, invisible or unclear; to merge; to weld or glue togetherverbcontrast 'lanabas', contrast 'ikejas'
ishesto flowverb
is̈elenquiry; requestnoun
is̈elisto ask; to inquire; to requestverbcompare 'horas'
is̈iganalone (commonly neutral connotation); isolated (commonly neutral connotation)adverb, adjective
itafriend (acquaintance connotation)nouncontrast 'se͡ira'
itasakamindless; without volition or sapience; zombie-likeadjective
itastarmould; plants; self-replicator; vegetation; weednoun
iviorb; spherenoun
izajbalance (not metaphorical or social connotations)noun
izajasto balance (not metaphorical or social connotations)verb
iziabsorbing light; blackadjectivecontrast with 'atheon', colour impression
jahaarmercenaries; organised military (neutral or negative connotation); warriors with only an external drive for battlenoun
jakesto killverb
jakesDraconicto bring death forverb
jakeskavkemto bring death for (violent connotation); to murderverb
jakesThreadwielderto bring death forverb
jakes̈kavkemkill (violent connotation); murdernoun
jalokcertainty; confirmationnoun
jalokisto confirmverb
jalu͡icertain (confidence connotation); sureadjective
janitdictionary; directory; index; map; reference; relationnoun
janosto index; to map; to relateverb
janunhead (physical connotation)noun
jara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
jarofact; truthnoun
jatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
jaticorrect; right (in a debate)adjective
jatu͡ireal; trueadjective
jatu͡imareally; trulyadverbredundant entry, added for ease of discovery
javasto appear (illusionary connotation); to seem; to sound likeverbrelated to 'sejavak'
javuappearance (illusionary connotation); impressionnoun
ja͡inear; recent; soonadverb, preposition, adjective
jehenDraconicdeep grief; expression of helpless outragenoun
jehenkavkemdeep grief; expression of helpless outragenoun
jehnisto protestverb
jehnisDraconicto grieve; to howl; to whine (legitimately)verb
jehniskavkemto grieve; to howl; to whine (legitimately)verb
jemosto deliberately and precisely collide with; to hit; to strikeverb
jemoshan intentional, precise impact; hit; strikenoun
jemurkavkemstriker (Shy͡ilun shard only)noun
jenejedge (geometric connotation); line (geometric connotation); linknoun
jenenan expression of entitlement; demandnoun
jenenisto demand; to expect something of another; to express entitlement to somethingverbcontrast 'marus'
jenethDraconicblade; scythe; swordnoun
jenethkavkemblade; scythenoun
jenethThreadwielderdevice that separates with precisionnoun
jesinisto pull; to tug; to yankverb
jesithasto drive (application of force); to nudge; to push; to tip (physical connotation)verb
jiyet (meanings of relative time, not meaning of degree)adverb
ji'-space between two or more ofmodifierfor nouns
jirrisDraconicto blow or rustle (both as in wind)verb
jirriskavkemto blow or rustle (both as in wind)verb
jirrisThreadwielderto sweep through invisibly, to be seized by a hunchverb
joDraconicclaw; fang; talon; toothnoun
jokavkemclaw; fang; talon; toothnoun
joThreadwieldersharp appendangenoun
joasto scratchverb
joasDraconicto claw; to rend or tear with teethverb
joaskavkemto claw; to rend or tear with teethverb
joasThreadwielderto rend or tearverb
jonikavkemsharpadjectivecompare 'zujo' and 'jo'
jorikavkembeak; mouthnoun
joromosDraconicto bite; to chew; to gnawverb
joromoskavkemto bite; to chew; to gnawverb
junathat (not as a conjugation); the (emphatic connotation only); these; this; thosearticle, conjunction, determiner, pronouncontrast 'lur' and 'ned', which usually fill the semantic niche of 'this' and 'that'
kashepersonal pronoun
kaThreadwielderhe; they (singular); vepersonal pronoun
ka'ikherselfreflexive pronoun
ka'ikThreadwielderhimself; themselves (singular); verselfreflexive pronoun
kaalhate; resentment (relationship connotation); scornnouncontrast 'deherr'
kaalisto detest; to hate; to resent; to scornverb
kaanavicious; vindictiveadjective
kaanakavkemevil; maliciousadjective
kaaruoutcast; wretchedadjective
kaelcorruption; erroradjective
kaelkavkemdisease; illness; sicknessadjective
kagane͡iill-timedadjectivecontrast 'kaheri'
kaherilateadjectivecontrast 'kagane͡i'
kahirritem displaying macroscopic, statistical randomness in discrete stepsnoun
kaiherpossessive pronoun
kaiThreadwielderhis; their (singular); vispossessive pronoun
kajesto move; to shiftverbtransitive only
kalavirus (computational connotation)noun
kalaDraconicpoison; toxinnoun
kalakavkempoison; toxinnoun
kaledoubt; reservation (worrisome connotation); uncertaintynoun
kalekavkemconcern (worrisome connotation); worrynoun
kaleisto be uncertain; to doubt; to have reservationsverb
kaleisDraconicto be concernedverb
kaleiskavkemto be concerned; to worryverb
kameffigy; figure; likeness; silhouettenouncontrast 'taara'
kaminysto challengeverb
kamisto forgiveverb
kanores̈isto blindverb
kanores̈ublindness (physiological connotation)noun
kanosto erase; to remove; to subtractverb
Kaqashe (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Kaqua' or 'Kakwa'
KaqaThreadwielderhe (honorific connotation); they (singular, honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Kaqua' or 'Kakwa'
Kaqiher (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Kaqui' or ''Kakwi'
KaqiThreadwielderhis (honorific connotation); their (singular, honorific connotation); vis (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Kaqui' or ''Kakwi'
kargift; presentnoun
kara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
karigatongue (physical connotation)noun
karyally (rational relationship connotation); connection (person)noun
karyesto ally (rational relationship connotation); to associate (social connotation); to connect (social connotation)verb
karyualliance (rational relationship connotation); association (social connotation); connection (social connotation)noun
kas̈Draconicdoze; nap; sleep; slumbernoun
kas̈kavkemdoze; nap; sleep; slumbernoun
kas̈usto hibernateverb
kas̈usDraconicto doze; to nap; to sleep; to slumberverb
kas̈uskavkemto doze; to nap; to sleep; to slumberverb
kataleash; incandescently oxidised substancenoun
katel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
katuproblem; troublenouncontrast 'sesaka'
kavamakavkemhatchling capable of speechnoun
kavkemkavkemsapient raptorian from Nekenalosnounportmanteauing of 'kavama' and 'keji'
kazeqenThreadwielderdragon; Zalaagra's sapient speciesnoun
kazyfire; incandescencenounsame as 'kazyee' and 'ky'
kazyeefire; incandescencenounsame as 'kazy' and 'ky'
kazysto glow; to illuminate; to shineverb
ka͡ijasto accept; to bear; to endure; to respond stoicallyverb
ka͡ijibearable; endurableadjective
ka͡inisto drop (falling connotation); to fall; to passively follow gravity's beckonverb
keheraccusative pronoun
keThreadwielderhim; them (singular); veraccusative pronoun
keehiair (not metaphorical connotation); gaseous mixnoun
keehoroair pressurenoun
kejatchance meeting; encounternoun
kejatasto cross; to encounter; to move across a landmarkverb
kejiindividual; person; sapient; sophontnoun
kejobrittle; weakadverb, adjective
kejorasto failverb
kelfor (supportive or possessive connotation); instead of; on behalf ofpreposition
kemas; like (comparison); suchadverb, preposition, conjunction, determiner
kemicity; settlement; townnoun
kenasDraconicto chant; to singverb
kenaskavkemto chant; to singverb
kenasThreadwielderto form deliberate patterns with one's communicationverb
kendaThreadwieldercommunicative signaturenoun
kenemDraconicmusician; singernoun
kenemkavkemmusician; singernoun
kenoDraconicmusic; song; tunenoun
kenokavkemmusic; song; tunenoun
kerosto be inspired by; to follow; to mimic; to trace; to trackverbpertains to creatures, not abstractions, contrast 'theres'
kerresto have faith in; to trustverbcontrast 'getakos'
kerufollower (both devotion connotation and tracking connotation)noun
kes̈azesto come back to (literal connotation only); to returnverb
kes̈esto appear; to arrive; to come; to come into being; to reach one's destinationverb
kes̈urusto bounce; to riccochetverb
ketstep (planning connotation); tasknoun
kevevidence; proofnoun
kevasto prove; to provide evidence in favour ofverb
ke͡igame; strategic interactionnoun
ke͡ivashlanguagenounportmanteauing of 'kenda' and 'ne͡ivash', used for non-Kendane͡ivash languages only
khonhead (computational device connotation); pen; tape head; writing implementnoun
kiother (living thing)adjective
kigaronoshsunfloat; the time a sun is still hidden behind a planet, but is risingnoun
Kigaronoshkavkemsunfloat (named time of day)nouneighth hour of the day
kiika͡inoshsunsink; the time a sun is already hidden behind a planet, but is sinking furthernoun
Kiika͡inoshkavkemsunsink (named time of day)nounfirst hour of the day
kiivarDraconicprimary star of a systemnoun
kiivarThreadwielderprimary star of a systemnoun
kimita͡ihonest; sincere; truthfuladjective
kimituhonesty; sincerity; truthfulnessnoun
kinayaclose (spatially); narrowly-missedadjective
kireThreadwieldergrain of Thread dustnoun
kirikavkemcord; lace; rope; thread (normal); vinenoun
kiryskavkemto bind; to knot; to lace; to thread; to tieverb
kivanoshdusk; evening; sunsetnoun
Kivanoshkavkemsunset (named time of day)nounfifth hour of the day
kivavThreadwielderplanetary shadownoun
ki͡usurosto be curious about; to be interested inverb
ki͡utarcuriosity; interestnoun
ki͡utosto inspire curiosity; to interest; to make curiousverb
koracenter; focus (physical or spatial connotation); middlenouncontrast 'rese͡i'
kraiabroken; splinteredadjective
kraisto break; to crack (damaging connotation); to splinterverbcontrast 'dynas'
ksanosto conform; to match; to obligeverb
ksara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
ksatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
ksethcunning; unpleasant personality; wickedadjective
ksimisto plunder; to reappropriate; to rob; to seize; to stealverb
ksulysto weaken (psychological connotation)verb
ks̈imuaccident; unintentional event; unplanned occurrence (where harm occurred)noun
ks̈irokavkemumbilical cordnoun
ks̈ulweakness (psychological connotation)nouncontrast 'raanin'
kteveskavkemany one species of penguin-like amphibious birdnoun
kullalien; foreign creaturenoun
kumatbark; hide (physiological connotation); pelt; rind; skinnoun
kumivakkavkemspecific species of titanosaur-descended burrowing insectivorenoun
kumos̈asto skinverb
kunarDraconicarrow; manually aimed long-range weapon; spearnoun
kunarkavkemarrow; manually aimed long-range weapon; spearnoun
kyfire; incandescencenounsame as 'kazyee' and 'kazy'
kyqenThreadwielderbasal form of Zalaagra's sapient species; dragonnoun
laashasto decide on someone's fate; to judge (social connotation only)verb
laa͡iflexible surface; membrane; sheetnouncontrast 'heyesh'
lagosto dripverb
laj'byiniodine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'hyintellurium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'lyinantimony (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'pyinxenon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'ryintin (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'shizirconium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
laj'shyincadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation); technetium (molecular connotation); yttrium (molecular connotation); zirconium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'syinindium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
laj'ziyttrium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
laj'zyinmolybdenum (molecular connotation); niobium (molecular connotation); rhodium (molecular connotation); rubidium (molecular connotation); ruthenium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
lajenpentagonnoungeometric shape
lakideep (distance or metaphorical); far (distance or metaphorical); intense; strong (tensile or metaphorical)adjective
lanabasto add; to includeverbcontrast 'is'
lanashcall (social address connotation); calling; invitation; summonnoun
lanashosto call upon; to invite; to send for; to summonverb
lanisto assign an attribute to; to designateverbcontrast 'hases'
lara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
latel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
latimaskavkemto cry (sorrowful connotation); to sob; to weepverb
lejconfused; disoriented; lostadjective
lejisto become confused; to become disoriented; to become lostverbcompare 'hebenas'
lekabsent; disappeared; goneadjective
lekesto empowerverb
lekeshforce (social connotation); power (social connotation); swaynoun
leksisto coerce; to compel; to forceverb
leks̈elisto grill (communicative connotation); to interrogate; to questionverb
lemisto adviseverb
leqasto continue; to persistverbcompare 'taleqas'
lesobottom; nadirnoun
les̈elusto aim for; to intend; to mean; to plan towardverbcontrast with 'a͡inaqes'
les̈eristo descendverb
le͡iletter (symbol connotation); symbol (literal connotation)noun
le͡ihaphaward; medal; sigil of acknowledgement; trophynoun
lhenplane; platform; smooth surface; tablenoun
lidesire (physiological or social-emotional connotation)noun
linhard (physical connotation); solidadjective
liosto desire (physiological or social-emotional connotation)verb
lo'bajtennessine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lo'hajastatine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lo'lajiodine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lo'rajbromine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lo'sajchlorine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lo'shajfluorine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
lonear; instrument that picks up vibrations; microphonenoun
lonnasto hear (physiological connotation); to perceive soundverb
loshexact; preciseadjective
los̈aThreadwieldermoon; planet; planetoidnoun
lukiknowledge; possession of factual informationnoun
lukiasto know (factual connotation, not of experience or instinctual wisdom)verb
lukitevkavkemintelligence shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation)noun
lurtherenoun, adverb
lyinantimony (molecular connotation); any element with 5 electrons in its valence shell; arsenic (molecular connotation); bismuth (molecular connotation); moscovium (molecular connotation); nitrogen (molecular connotation); phosphorus (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
maanukavkemco-leader (Shy͡ilun shard only); second-in-command (Shy͡ilun shard only)noun
madeisto distractverbcontrast 'heras'
madjaanasto rewardverb
majisto lie down; to recharge; to repair; to rest; to settle oneself; to sitverb
majuopportunity to recharge; repairs; rest; sit downnoun
majulenkavkemresting place; seatnoun
makcerebral; intellectual; mentaladjective
makamaability to feel empathy; ability to feel guilt; conscience; moral understandingnouncontains 'mak'
makoraattention (cerebral connotation); focus (cerebral connotation)nouncontrast 'rese͡i'
makoristo prevent; to stop something from happeningverbcontrast 'mesas' and 'taleqas'
makosto focus on (cerebral connotation); to pay attention to (cerebral connotation)verb
makyristo excite; to fuel; to kindle (attentive connotation); to motivate; to stimulateverb
malinnatural armournoun
malinkavkemscales (anatomical connotation)noun
manasto guide (intellectual connotation); to lead toward enlightenment; to teachverb
manemguardian (intellectual connotation); guide (intellectual connotation); mentor; teachernoun
manonasto ensure basic needs are met; to keep the fundamentals in order; to maintain (background connotation); to provide the necessary environment for survivalverbcontrast 'eokis'
manonasDraconicto babysitverbcontrast 'eokis'
manonaskavkemto keep the lights off (yes, this is very funny, we know)verbcontrast 'eokis'
mantakbeyond (prowess connotation); greater (prowess connotation)adjective
mara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
maristo keep; to retainverbcontrast 'sayes'
maromart (non-abstract); painting; picture; visual depiction of somethingnouncontrast 'nathi': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy
maromosto cover decoratively; to decorate; to draw; to paintverb
marusto anticipate; to bet on; to count on; to expectverbcontrast 'ariras' and 'jenenis'
matan object to hide beneath or behind; cover; shieldnoun
matasto conceal; to coververb
matel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
maveomaintenance of chemical activity; phase of steady temperatures; time of stabilitynounpreferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures
maveoDraconicsummer (where the season exists)nounpreferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures
maveoThreadwieldersummer (where the season exists)nounpreferred to 'Vemistath' in some Draconic cultures
ma͡is̈'-decaying through alpha decaymodifierfor elements
ma͡itasto doomverb
ma͡itudoom; downfall; grim fatenoun
mekisto bring; to give; to offer; to presentverb
MekivakavkemNekenalos' original primary star; sun; Titawin; υ Andromedae Anoun
meki͡uofferingnouncontrast 'rakas̈'
melfew in number; hard to obtain or find; rare; scarceadjective
mesasto brake; to pause; to quit; to stopverbcontrast 'taleqas' and 'makoris'
mesideliberate blindness; ignorancenoun
mesiesto ignore; to pay no heed to; to pretend evidence does not existverb
mevstain; tarnishnoun
mevesto dirty; to marr; to stain; to tarnishverb
mi'rajpalladium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
mihisto consume; to devourverb
mihuemotion; heuristicnoun
mimaanDraconicface (emotive connotation)nouncontrast 'hejan'
mimaankavkemplumagenouncontrast 'hejan'
mimaanThreadwielderpart of body expressing most emotionnouncontrast 'hejan'
mircheckpoint; gatenouncontrast 'torugem'
mirosto adopt; to takeverb
mizhesto make sense of; to solve a puzzle; to uncover clues and missing linksverb
mizhysto confuse; to perplex; to puzzleverb
mizihiconfusing or incomplete evidence; intellectual challenge; puzzlenoun
mneghomage; tributenoun
mubenkavkemmeat; musclenoun
mugoDraconicbottle; flasknoun
mugokavkembottle; flasknoun
mura͡i'-decaying through neutron emissionmodifierfor elements
mureahill; mountainnouncompare 'muri', contrast 'othanam'
murehejkavkemspecific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsiannoun
mure͡iweighed downadverb, adjectivecompare 'muri'
muruweight (physical connotation)noun
mynatehexceptional individual; heronoun
mytosto forgetverb
nayou (singular)personal pronoun
na'ayou (plural)personal pronoun
na'a'ikyourself (plural)reflexive pronoun
na'aiyour (plural)possessive pronoun
Na'aqayou (plural) (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Na'aqua' or 'Na'akwa'
Na'aqiyour (plural) (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Na'aqui' or 'Na'akwi'
na'ikyourself (singular)reflexive pronoun
naalinrock; stonenoun
nagesto recommend; to suggestverb
nagijiarea; place (physical)nouncontrast 'najei'
naiyour (singular)possessive pronoun
najeicoordinates; location; place; point (spatial connotation); positionnounused for both time and space considerations, contrast 'nagiji'
najitevkavkemeducation shard (Shy͡ilun clan only)noun
najitumankavkemcrèche; place of learning; schoolnoun
nakgauge; grade; measuring rod; ruler; scalenoun
nakasto adjust; to alter; to change; to tuneverbtransitive only
nake͡ivasto translateverb
nakidimension (geometry / mathematics)noun
nakysto gauge; to grade; to measureverb
nalaearth; fertile ground; soilnoun
namatasto eliminate; to reduceverb
Naqayou (singular) (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Naqua' or 'Nakwa'
naqasto welcomeverb
Naqiyour (singular) (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Naqui' or 'Nakwi'
naquhospitality; supportive nature; welcoming naturenouncompare 'teda'
nara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
natalabove (directional meaning only); upadjective
natehincomprehensibly powerful individualnoun
natehDraconicdeity; godnoun
natehkavkemdeity; godnoun
natel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
nathiabstract representation; image; metaphor; picturenouncontrast with 'marom': nathi is about the concept of the depiction, marom about the physical copy
natsugemclimbable surface; stairs; stairwaynoun
neyou (singular)accusative pronoun
ne'ayou (plural)accusative pronoun
nedherenoun, adverb
nekenThreadwielderdinosaurs; nekenalosan basal speciesnoun
nereteternal; forever; infiniteadjective
nerokavkem~2.82 tevo; duration of one Nekenalos orbit; year (unit of time)nounchiefly in mythological use
nesto act; to behave; to doverb
netarosto architect; to design; to orchestrate; to realise (make real)verbcontrast 'enos', contrast 'ganirrys'
ne͡imakanaas̈feeling of claustrophobia; the illusion of being unable to breathenouncontains 'mak'
ne͡inasto happen; to occurverbrelated to 'nes' and 'ne͡ivas'
ne͡inashevent; happening; occasion; occurrence; situationnoun
ne͡inisto connect (physical connotation); to touchverb
ne͡ivasto recall; to recollect; to rememberverb
ne͡ivashmemory (non-symbolic connotation)noun
nhalrich, easily accessible resources; treasurenoun
nhalisto gather in large amounts; to hoard; to treasure (material connotation)verb
nhaltevkavkemresource shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation)noun
nhariasto preserve; to prevent degeneration in or passive harm to; to treat respectfully or cautiouslyverbcontrast 'pranatas'
nharucaution; prudencenoun
nigihome; possessed shelter; territory (positive connotation)noun
niieven now; still (chronological connotation); until now; up to the present timeadverbcontrast 'yko'
nirflat; narrow; short; small in one dimensionadjectivecontrast 'imi' and 'gene͡i'
nisicomplete; thorough; total; undivided; wholeadjectiveof abstractions
nisijclan; group of individuals sharing territory or resources; people (singular) (territorial connotation)noun
nitishDraconiccruel (emotional connotation); mean; nastyadjective
nitishkavkemcruel (emotional connotation); mean; nastyadjective
nitishThreadwielderunduly punishingadjective
nivisto decline involvement; to refuse prior duties; to remove oneself from the proverbial playing field; to retireverb
njogutes̈Threadwielderdistance from branenoun
njotypath (both physical and metaphorical connotations); way (both physical and metaphorical connotations)noun
njuketcloth; tarp; towelnoun
njuketThreadwieldergravitational pattern; space-time patternnoun
njukisto knit; to stitch; to threadverb
njukisThreadwielderto alter gravity; to alter space-timeverb
njukuattire; clothes; garmentnoun
njukuThreadwieldergravity wellnoun
nokomafinally; ultimatelyadverb
ntakodolate (overdue connotation); misplaced; out of order; too earlyadjective
ntor'-decaying through beta decaymodifierfor elements
ntos̈'-decaying through electron capture; decaying through positron emissionmodifierfor elements
nunaidentical; sameadjective
nuusto admireverb
nuusDraconicto cherishverb
nuuskavkemto cherish; to loveverb
nyaqenThreadwieldernekenalosan sapient species, both kavkema and Nayabarunoun
odoabout; against; in support ofadverb
okodesto bring into sequence; to order; to put something into its proper place; to realign with the rest of a collection; to sortverb
okodoorder (opposite of chaos)noun
omuropressure (physical connotation)noun
orabig; huge; largeadjectivecompare 'dan'
origburrow; cave; cavern; hollownouncontrast with 'vako'
oronaarasteroid; cometnoun
orunisto become solid; to freeze; to solidifyverb
osokavkemgreen (human quale); lime (kavkem quale)adjectivecontrast 'tasath', kavkem primary colour
osodikavkemgreen (kavkem quale); turquoise (human quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
osodijor kteveskavkemspecies of amphibious bird with a serrated, blue beaknoun
os̈Draconicagony; nausea; painnoun
os̈kavkemagony; anguish; nausea; painnoun
os̈Threadwielderperception of personal damagenoun
os̈asDraconicto bring pain; to hurt; to torture; to woundverbcontrast 'tsadamas'
os̈askavkemto bring pain; to hurt; to torture; to woundverbcontrast 'tsadamas'
os̈asThreadwielderto cause damage to a personverbcontrast 'tsadamas'
otanbuilding; enclosure (positive connotation); house; shelternouncontrast 'orig', contrast 'nigi', contrast 'subenos'
otanasto build; to construct shelterverbcontrast 'sekis'
othanamcancer; cap; lump; protrusionnouncontrast 'murea'
ovodisc (geometric connotation); disk (geometric connotation); scythe (celestial appearance connotation)nouncontrast 'hu͡io'
paarebecause; that (conjugation only)adverb, conjunction
paatphotonic frequencynoun
paparokavkem1/8 paro; 8 sapo; matter (unit of time)nouncompare 'ravo'
para-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
parokavkem1/8 taath; 8 paparo; hour (unit of time)noun
patel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
penaother (inanimate thing)adjective
peristo remain; to stayverb
pethenetgesture (abstract connotation); indicator (abstract connotation); sign (abstract connotation); symbol (metaphorical connotation)nouncontrast 'benaj'
phanunnexus; root (cause connotation); sourcenoun
phara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
phatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
phazyeeflame; source of scalding heatnoun
phazysto burn; to char; to scald; to scorchverb
phebesto enquire about; to express desire; to express want; to requestverb
phenynfurnace; holocaust (natural disaster connotation); lava; magma; molten rock; solid component of a pyroclastic flow (tephra); wildfirenoun
pherdecision; opinion; prejudice (negative connotation)nouncontrast 'getak' and 'inim'
pheresto decide; to express an firm opinion; to fell a decisionverb
phyrhacandle; lantern; lightbulb; lighter; source of lightnoun
pranatasto handle in accordance with etiquette; to respect; to treat cordiallyverbcontrast 'nharias'
preethcollection of personal notes; diary; journalnoun
prehethemitem one feels emotional attachment tonoun
prehethemDraconicenchanted pendant; item of spiritual or magical significance; lucky charm; talismannoun
prehethemkavkemenchanted pendant; item of spiritual or magical significance; lucky charm; talismannoun
prehethemThreadwielderitem of personal significancenoun
prenes̈freedom; libertynoun
prenes̈asto break out of; to free; to liberateverb
prenyshfree; unbound; under no obligation or coercionadjective
pyinany element with 8 electrons in its valence shell; argon (molecular connotation); krypton (molecular connotation); neon (molecular connotation); oganesson (molecular connotation); radon (molecular connotation); xenon (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
q'umotalincline; slopenoun
q'umudeviating; differentadverb, adjectivecompare 'q'uru'
q'uruout of expected sequence; random; unpredictableadjectivecompare 'q'umu'
qavital (energetic connotation); vividadjective
qajimoist; wetadjective
qaleqbarrier (spatial connotation); boundary (spatial connotation); cliff; fence (if tall enough to be an obstacle); obstacle (spatial connotation)noun
qanokbeing the final element of a collection; being the final thing to be done in a given time span; lastadverb, adjectivecontrast 'hav'
qanosDraconicto liveverb
qanoskavkemto live (positive connotation)verb
qanosThreadwielderto liveverb
qanukavkemlife (positive connotation)noun
qara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
qasaikavkemmercy kill; releasenoun
qasutasto disrupt; to disturb; to interfere; to mess withverb
qas̈askavkemto kill in mercy; to releaseverb
qatatunauction; market; place of tradenoun
qatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
qa͡iimportant; pivotal; urgent; vital (urgency connotation)adjectivecontrast 'daarav'is'
qesathasto attach to; to cling to; to clutchverb
qetasoconjunction, interjection
qiidentity; personalitynoun
qidravemkavkemsoul catchernounmythological concept
qis̈elekkavkemsoul catchernounmythological concept
qos̈ethphase of falling temperatures; reduction of chemical activity; time of coolingnounpreferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures
qos̈ethDraconicautumn (where the season exists); fall (where the season exists) (seasonal connotation)nounpreferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures
qos̈ethThreadwielderautumn (where the season exists); fall (where the season exists) (seasonal connotation)nounpreferred to 'Vazhireth' in some Draconic cultures
qurosto shock (surprise connotation); to surpriseverb
qyinany element with 18 electrons in its valence shell; palladium (molecular connotation)nouncan be used with a shell count modifier, but usually isn't, since this only applies to palladium, element
raDraconichepersonal pronoun
rakavkemhepersonal pronoun
raThreadwielderthey (singular, unknown gender)personal pronoun
ra'ikDraconichimselfreflexive pronoun
ra'ikkavkemhimselfreflexive pronoun
ra'ikThreadwielderthemselves (singular, unknown gender)reflexive pronoun
raajasto draw attention to oneself; to signal; to waveverbcontrast 'benajas'
raaninobedient; submissive; subservientadjectivecontrast 'ks̈ul'is'
raanusubmissionnouncontrast 'ks̈ul'
raanysto submit (social connotation)verb
raas̈elekcage; prison; trapnoun
raas̈elesto cage; to imprison; to isolate (negative connotation); to trapverb
raas̈ysto apprehend; to catch; to restrainverb
rahutacertainly (affirmative connotation only); definitelyinterjection, particlecontrast 'jalu͡i' and 'teve͡i'
rahutakavkemof courseinterjection, particlecontrast 'jalu͡i' and 'teve͡i'
raiDraconichispossessive pronoun
raikavkemhispossessive pronoun
raiThreadwieldertheir (singular, unknown gender)possessive pronoun
raj'bicobalt (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'byinbromine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'hiiron (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'hyinselenium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'lyinarsenic (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'mikrypton (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
raj'pinickel (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'pyinkrypton (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'qyinpalladium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'ryingermanium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'shititanium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'shyincalcium (molecular connotation); cobalt (molecular connotation); iron (molecular connotation); manganese (molecular connotation); nickel (molecular connotation); scandium (molecular connotation); titanium (molecular connotation); vanadium (molecular connotation); zinc (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'sivanadium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'syingallium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
raj'ziscandium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
raj'zyinchromium (molecular connotation); copper (molecular connotation); potassium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
rajenrectangle; squarenoungeometric shape
rakaristo sacrifice (cultural connotation, not spiritual)verb
rakas̈sacrifice (cultural connotation, not spiritual, but can be used as latter in metaphor)nouncontrast 'meki͡u'
raktatsacred (cultural connotation, not spiritual)adjective
ramasto assure; to ensure; to insure; to promiseverb
rama͡iassurance; insurance; promisenoun
raneability; capability (not motivational connotation)noun
RaqaDraconiche (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa'
Raqakavkemhe (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa'
RaqaThreadwielderthey (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Raqua' or 'Rakwa'
RaqiDraconichis (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi'
Raqikavkemhis (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi'
RaqiThreadwieldertheir (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Raqui' or 'Rakwi'
rara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
rarrandrone; puppet; zombienoun
rarresto puppeteer; to take control ofverb
rarresDraconicto possess (demonic connotation)verb
rarreskavkemto possess (demonic connotation)verb
rarresThreadwielderto possess (neutral metaphysical connotation)verb
rarreshmanipulator; puppet-master; puppeteernoun
rashcopy; duplicate; simulacrumnoun
rashasto copy (physical connotation); to duplicateverb
ratel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
ravoconcern (intellectual connotation); matter (narrative connotation); topicnouncompare 'paparo'
razaiagain; once moreadverb
razmaonce (frequency connotation)adverb
ra͡is̈'-decaying through proton emissionmodifierfor elements
reDraconichimaccusative pronoun
rekavkemhimaccusative pronoun
reThreadwielderthem (singular, unknown gender, honorific connotation)accusative pronoun
rekisto answer; to respond (linguistic connotation only)verb
rekoanswer; response (linguistic connotation only)noun
remoikavkemjust (fairness connotation)adjective
resejasto perceive visually; to see; to witnessverb
resejashcamera; eye; instrument to detect photonsnoun
resejusight (literal connotation); vision (physiological connotation); visual perceptionnoun
resemasto focus on (perceptive connotation); to glance at; to look at; to pay attention to (perceptive connotation)verb
rese͡iattention (perceptive connotation); focus (perceptive connotation); glance; looknouncontrast 'kora' and 'makora'
rese͡itkavkemWatcher (shard or group role)noun
reshasto communicate; to say something; to send a message; to speak; to talkverb
reshokavkem1/8 sapo; 8 vemako; phrase (unit of time)noun
resho²phrase; sentencenoun
reshunkavkemmessenger (shard or group role)noun
res̈uletter (communicative connotation); messagenoun
re͡irdisk (data carrying connotation); missive; note; page; screed; scrollnouncontrast 'sayet'
re͡irosto page through; to scroll; to siftverb
rhatusto attempt to find; to be on the lookout for; to look for; to search; to seek outverb
rherrasto interpret; to perceive (symbolic connotation); to view as (symbolic connotation)verbcompare 'hithis'
rheshjerekavkemspecific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsiannoun
rianonoun, interjection, particle
riitasto stay (socialising connotation); to visitverb
riitashstay (socialising connotation); visitnoun
rinifew; little (amount connotation)determiner
riniilesscomparative determiner
ro'bajlivermorium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ro'hajpolonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ro'lajtellurium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ro'rajselenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ro'sajsulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ro'shajoxygen (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
ruayesnoun, interjection, particle
runuobstacle; wallnoun
ryinany element with 4 electrons in its valence shell; carbon (molecular connotation); flerovium (molecular connotation); germanium (molecular connotation); lead (molecular connotation); silicon (molecular connotation); tin (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
rynbone; spine; structural, supporting element in an organismnoun
ryrconcept; idea; notionnouncontrast 'ryrha'
ryrhaDraconicdream (neutral connotation)noun'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr.
ryrhakavkemdream (neutral connotation)noun'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr.
ryrhaThreadwieldervaguely remembered experiencenoun'parent' word of adaryr and za'alyr.
saIpersonal pronoun
sa'ikmyselfreflexive pronoun
saabiall; everyonenoun, pronoun
saimypossessive pronoun
saj'byinchlorine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'hyinsulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'lyinphosphorus (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'pyinargon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'ryinsilicon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'shyinmagnesium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'syinaluminium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
saj'zyinsodium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
sajentrianglenoungeometric shape
sapokavkem1/8 paparo; 8 resho; minute (unit of time)noun
SaqaI (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Saqua' or 'Sakwa'
Saqimy (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Saqui' or 'Sakwi'
sara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
sarijoregretful for an actionadjective
sarijoDraconicbeing sorryadjective
sarijokavkembeing sorryadjective
sarijosto apologise; to express regretverb, interjection
sarijosDraconicexpression of sorrow, regret; sorryverb, interjection
sarijoskavkemexpression of sorrow, regret; sorryverb, interjection
sarijosThreadwielderexpression of regretverb, interjection
satel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
savidamlimb (e.g. arm, leg, wing, tail, …)noun
saviskanankle; elbow; joint (physiological connotation); knee; shoulder; wristnoun
sayemauthor; keeper of the minutes; poet; recorder; transcriber; writernoun
sayesto keep records; to note; to record; to take note; to transcribe; to writeverb
sayetarchive; book; database; note; record; writingnouncontrast 're͡ir'
sazoanydeterminer, pronoun
sazosrianything; somethingpronoun
sazyeeember; source of warmthnoun
semeaccusative pronoun
sebasto put to use; to useverbcontrast 'a͡ilas'
sehraamazing; excellent; fantastic; golden (metaphorical connotation); great; valuable; wonderfuladjective
sejanappearance (literal connotation)noun
sejavakghost; illusionnoun
sekidasto fix; to mendverbobjects, not abstractions
sekim-nokirukavkemchosen (used in ritualistic assisted suicide); one who makes their final choice; subject (used in ritualistic assisted suicide)noun
sekimiguroomnouncontrast 'sekirigu'
sekiriguhall; hangar; large roomnoun
sekirysto inventverb
sekisto construct; to create; to makeverbcontrast 'otanas'
sekurkavkembuilder (shard or group role); engineer (shard or group role)noun
selasright (directional meaning only)adjective
seloqresistance (combative connotation)noun
seloqosto resist (combative connotation)verb
senesemnormal; of regular, unoffensive occurrence; predictableadjective
sephasto enflame; to ignite; to inflame; to sparkverb
sephetignition; spark (physical connotation)noun
sephyrakavkemfirefly-like demonnoun
sepirhelix; twistnoun
sepiristo turn; to twistverb
serasto perceive (physiological connotation); to sense (physiological connotation)verb
seroshsense; sensor; sensory organnoun
seruperceptive (physiological connotation)adjective
sesakaenigma; mystery; puzzlenouncontrast 'katu'
sesaka͡iDraconicmystic; priestnoun
setehwhyadverb, conjunction, interjection
seturwhenadverb, conjunction, interjection
sevilow (physical connotation)adjective
se͡iraDraconicfriend (loyalty connotation)nouncontrast 'ita'
se͡irakavkemfriend (loyalty connotation)nouncontrast 'ita'
se͡iraThreadwielderloyal and trustworthy individualnouncontrast 'ita'
se͡iruloyaltynounrelated to se͡ira
shajberyllium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shaj'byinfluorine (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'hyinoxygen (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'lyinnitrogen (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'pyinneon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'ryincarbon (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'shyinberyllium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'syinboron (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shaj'zyinlithium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
shara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
shariDraconicsupernatural entitynoun
sharikavkemsupernatural entitynoun
shatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
shemisto be able to endure; to perserve against; to tolerate (ability to endure connotation)verbcontrast 'yuhas'
sho'bajflerovium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
sho'hajlead (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
sho'lajtin (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
sho'rajgermanium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
sho'sajsilicon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
sho'shajcarbon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'bajcopernicium (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'baj'hobitulmeitnerium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hohitulhassium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'holitulbohrium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homibulamericium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homilulplutonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homimulcalifornium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hominulberkelium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homiphulfermium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homithulmendelevium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homitulcopernicum (molecular connotation); nobelium (molecular connotation); radium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'homivuleinsteinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'honitulroentgenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hopituldarmstadtium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'horitulseaborgium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hoshitulrutherfordium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hosituldubnium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hozibulcurium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hozirulneptunium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hozishulprotactinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'hozisuluranium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'shomitulthorium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'baj'zomitulactinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'hajbarium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'haj'hobituliridium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hohitulosmium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'holitulrhenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homibarium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homibuleuropium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homihulsamarium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homilulpromethium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homimuldysprosium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hominulterbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homiphulerbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homirulneodymium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homisulpraseodymium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homithulthulium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homitulmercury (molecular connotation); ytterbium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'homivulholmium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'horitultungsten (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hoshitulhafnium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hositultantalum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hozilanthanum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hozibulgadolinium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hozitullutetium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'haj'hozizulcerium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'lajcadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'laj'holitechnetium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'laj'homicadmium (molecular connotation); strontium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'laj'hoshizirconium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'laj'hoziyttrium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'laj'litechnetium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'rajcalcium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'raj'hocalcium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hobicobalt (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hohiiron (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'holimanganese (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'homizinc (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hopinickel (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hoshititanium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hosivanadium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'hoziscandium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'raj'limanganese (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
shy'raj'mizinc (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'sajmagnesium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
shy'saj'homagnesium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'shajberyllium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy'zajhelium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shy-denotes two electrons in the outermost s-shellcomponentoften omitted (describes a full shell), of long form elements
shyho'baj'mitulradon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyho'haj'mitulradon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyho'laj'mixenon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyho'raj'mikrypton (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyho'sajargon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyho'shajneon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyhomi'rajpalladium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyinactinium (molecular connotation); americium (molecular connotation); any element with 2 electrons in its valence shell; barium (molecular connotation); berkelium (molecular connotation); beryllium (molecular connotation); bohrium (molecular connotation); cadmium (molecular connotation); calcium (molecular connotation); californium (molecular connotation); cerium (molecular connotation); cobalt (molecular connotation); copernicium (molecular connotation); curium (molecular connotation); darmstadtium (molecular connotation); dubnium (molecular connotation); dysprosium (molecular connotation); einsteinium (molecular connotation); erbium (molecular connotation); europium (molecular connotation); fermium (molecular connotation); gadolinium (molecular connotation); hafnium (molecular connotation); hassium (molecular connotation); helium (molecular connotation); holmium (molecular connotation); iridium (molecular connotation); iron (molecular connotation); lanthanum (molecular connotation); lutetium (molecular connonounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
shylo'baj'mitultennessine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shylo'haj'mitulastatine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shylo'laj'miiodine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shylo'raj'mibromine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shylo'sajchlorine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shylo'shajfluorine (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'baj'mitullivermorium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'haj'mitulpolonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'laj'mitellurium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'raj'miselenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'sajsulfur (molecular connotation); sulphur (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyro'shajoxygen (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'baj'mitulflerovium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'haj'mitullead (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'laj'mitin (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'raj'migermanium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'sajsilicon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shysho'shajcarbon (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'baj'mitulmoscovium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'haj'mitulbismuth (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'laj'miantimony (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'raj'miarsenic (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'sajphosphorus (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyso'shajnitrogen (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'baj'mitullawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'haj'mitulthalium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'laj'miindium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'raj'migallium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'sajaluminium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
shyzo'shajboron (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
siiguhowadverbrelated to 'siipal'
siipalwhichinterrogative pronoun
sijaakmanagement (the act of managing); organisation (the act of organising)noun
sijakasto manage; to organiseverb
sikesto exchange (sharing connotation); to make joint use of; to shareverb
silurwhereinterrogative pronoun
sintill; to; toward; untilprepositioncontrast 'et'
sinarwhetherinterrogative pronoun
sinunwhatnoun, interrogative pronoundoubles as 'who' informally
Sinunaiwhonoun, interrogative pronouneither formal or for disambiguation with 'sinun'
siranwhominterrogative pronoun
sirejuinsight; visionnoun
sirokavkem~1.39 nero; duration of one Dasirvi orbit; ward (unit of time)nounchiefly in mythological use
sirysto regretverb
sithashwhoseinterrogative pronoun
sividdigit (physiological connotation); finger; toenouncompare 'savidam'
sividThreadwielderpointing devicenouncompare 'savidam'
siyinikeacid (literal connotation)noun
skaarasto detect; to discover; to find; to uncoververb
skurokavkem~5220.6 siro; ~7256.6 nero; duration of one Daskuvar orbit; era (unit of time)nounchiefly in mythological use
so'bajmoscovium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
so'hajbismuth (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
so'lajantimony (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
so'rajarsenic (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
so'sajphosphorus (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
so'shajnitrogen (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
soleqfloor; ground; planetary surfacenoun
soqusto heal; to invigorate; to mend woundsverb
sos̈etkavkemgreen with an invisible ultraviolet component (human quale); green-violet (kavkem quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
sovaall right; fine (well-being connotation); okayadjective
sovamakgut feeling; hunch; instinct; subconscience; subconsciousnessnouncontains 'mak'
sovolbelow; beneath; down; under (directional meaning only)adverb, preposition, adjective
sras̈plea; submissive enquiry or requestnoun
sras̈asto beg; to pleadverbcompare is̈elis
subenosto encircle; to enclose; to engulf; to envelop; to surround; to wrapverb
subentearound; encircling; on every side of; surroundingadverb, prepositionrelated to the 'benta*' family of words
sunruin (social connotation)noun
sunasto abruptly lose influence; to fall (social connotation)verb
sunysto dethrone; to ruin (social connotation)verb
suromakDraconicintelligent; smartadverb, adjective
suromakkavkemintelligent; smartadverb, adjective
suromakThreadwieldersapient; sentientadverb, adjective
surosto have a hunch; to intuitverbcontrast 'vedis'
surosDraconicto contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to thinkverbcontrast 'vedis'
suroskavkemto contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to thinkverbcontrast 'vedis'
surosThreadwielderto think (visceral or immediate connotation)verbcontrast 'vedis'
suruDraconicthoughtnouncontrast 'vedeth'
surukavkemthoughtnouncontrast 'vedeth'
suruThreadwielderthought (visceral or immediate connotation)nouncontrast 'vedeth'
syethreat (verbal connotation); warningnoun
syeesto express a warning not to approach; to threaten (verbal connotation)verb
syeesDraconicto bristle; to hiss; to viciously demand personal spaceverb
syeeskavkemto bristle; to hiss; to viciously demand personal spaceverb
syinaluminium (molecular connotation); any element with 3 electrons in its valence shell; boron (molecular connotation); gallium (molecular connotation); indium (molecular connotation); lawrencium (molecular connotation); thallium (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
synisto be victorious; to beat; to winverb
synu͡isuccess; victory; winnoun
szamesto insulate; to protect (passive connotation); to shield (passive connotation)verb
szamhaprotection; safety; securitynoun
szasesto rescue; to saveverb
szashrescuer; saviournoun
szatevkavkemrescue shard (Shy͡ilun clan specialisation)noun
szavibunker; hiding place; safe spacenoun
s̈eletkavkemindigo (kavkem quale); ultraviolet (invisible) (human quale)adjectivecontrast 'edath', kavkem primary colour
s̈elethkavkemultraviolet (invisible) (human quale); violet (kavkem quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
s̈elosDraconicto breathe; to exhale; to inhaleverbcontrast 'eqas' and 'davares'
s̈eloskavkemto breathe; to exhale; to inhaleverbcontrast 'eqas' and 'davares'
s̈elosThreadwielderto ingest gases; to refuelverbcontrast 'eqas' and 'davares'
s̈eltdesire (dream connotation); dream (conscious connotation); wishnoun
s̈eltusto ask for (ideological connotation); to desire; to dream of; to long for; to want (ideological connotation); to wish for; to yearn forverbcontrast 'ysikus'
ta'-doing the opposite of (active connotation)modifierfor verbs
Taakas̈kavkemthe Sleeping Day (day of the week)nounfifth day of the week, not present in every week, abbreviated KA
taamisto diminish; to shrink; to witherverb
taanoshdawn (literal connotation); morning; sunrisenoun
Taanoshkavkemsunrise (named time of day)nounfourth hour of the day
Taaqankavkemthe Living Day (day of the week)nounthird day of the week, abbreviated QA
taaradistinctive shape; form; naturenouncontrast 'kam'
taathThreadwielderthe illuminated side of a planetary bodynoun
Taathysakavkemthe Youngest Day (day of the week)nounfirst day of a week, abbreviated TH
taath²kavkemday (unit of time)noun
Taatumankavkemthe Learning Day (day of the week)nounsecond day of the week, abbreviated TU
taayisto become; to change; to morphverbcontrast with 'akys', intransitive only
Taayutkavkemthe Dying Day (day of the week)nounfourth day of the week, abbreviated YU
takaable; capable; possessing fitness for a particular causeadjectivecontrast with 'damun'
takarmaster (skill connotation)noun
takarasto master (skill connotation); to reach a point of maximum prowessverbcompare 'karos'
taks̈e͡ielectronic; magneticadjective
taks̈oelectro-magnetismnounrelated to 'etakas'
taks̈omubaryonic matternoun
taleqboundary; endnoun'parent' word of taq.
taleqasto bring an end to; to conclude; to end; to finishverbcontrast 'mesas' and 'makoris'
tamaendurant; firm; resilient; stable; strong (physical connotation); sturdyadverb, adjectivecontrast 'butama'
tamijorkavkemgrin; smilenoun
tamijoruskavkemto grin; to smileverb
tamilkavkemdelight (emotive connotation); happiness; joynoun
tamiliskavkemto have fun; to playverb
tamiyemkavkemdrive (motivational connotation); motivationnoun
tanagenemy (endangering connotation); threat (opponent or obstacle connotation)noun
tanagosto inspire great caution; to intimidateverb
tanagosDraconicto scareverb
tanagoskavkemto horrify; to scare; to terrify; to threaten (emotional connotation)verb
tanakaanhorror (something horrible); monster; terror (something terrible)noun
tapradagoskavkemto laugh at (negative connotation); to mock; to sneer atverb
tapranaskavkemto be rude; to disrespect; to hurt (verbally); to insult; to speak unkindly; to wound (verbally)verb
taqdestination; finish line; goal (wandering connotation)noun
taracross; over; throughoutpreposition
tara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
tarathas̈cluster of vegetationnoun
tarosto expand; to grow (literal connotation); to multiply (procreational or chemical connotation)verb
taruexpansion; growth (literal connotation)noun
tarykconnection (physical connotation); connector; necknoun
tarysto associate (physical connotation); to connect (physical connotation)verb
tasathkavkemlight with a wavelength between 400 and 600 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'oso'
tasathThreadwielderlight with a wavelength between 400 and 600 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'oso'
tashasto affix something; to arrange; to place; to put somewhere; to situateverbcompare 'has̈as'
tatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
tattaksaskavkemto shootverb
tavamany; muchdeterminer
tavaimorecomparative determiner
tavi͡ysaskavkemto bear a clutchverb
tavi͡ysas̈kavkemclutch (offspring connotation)noun
tayilpast (chronological connotation)noun
ta͡imaancore (physiological connotation); part of body with high density of essential organs; torsonoun
ta͡ithasto lose; to misplaceverbalternate form of 'ta'ethas'
tedaaid; assistance; help; supportnouncompare 'naqu'
tedasto assist; to help; to supportverb
tekcall (vocal connotation); loud vocalisationnoun
tekenosto call; to cry (neutral, vocal connotation); to shoutverb
tekos̈asto broadcast distressverb
tekos̈askavkemto scream; to wail in anguishverb
telnone; nothingnoun, determiner
temitepid; warmadjective
temrawarmth (physical connotation)noun
teristo invert; to reverseverb
tes̈etoThreadwielderdirection in a fourth spatial dimension, opposite of gumos (directional meaning only); outward from braneadjective
tethasto be victorious over; to bring down (combative connotation); to defeat; to vanquishverb
tevcomponent; constituent; element (component connotation); part; piece; shard; shrapnel; splinternoun
TevasurkavkemSamh; u Andromedae cnoun
teve͡icertain (amount connotation); somedeterminer, pronoun"pronoun" use not actually existent - always used as a determiner
tevisto appear in; to be featured in; to figure in; to participate; to play a role inverb
tevokavkem~2.82 yennedo; duration of one Tesavur relative orbit; pass (unit of time)noun
te͡ienough; sufficient; sufficientlyadverb, interjection, determiner
thamDraconiccolour in the range from violet to bluenoun
thamkavkemcolour in the range from violet to bluenoun
thamThreadwielderhigh-frequency photonic light; ultravioletnoun
thanamagreement; contract; dealnoun
thara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
thatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
thegosto be preoccupied; to move restlessly; to obsess; to prowlverb
theksisto prey upon (emotional connotation)verb
thenetgas detector; instrument that can determine molecular composition; nosenoun
thenisto perceive molecular composition; to smell (physiological connotation)verb
thenisDraconicto tasteverb
thenisThreadwielderto tasteverb
theresto hunt; to stalk; to trackverbcontrast 'keros'
thereshopponent (inferior or oblivious connotation); prey; target (combative connotation)noun
therokavkemhunter (shard or group role)noun
thesepircyclone; dust devil; swirl; tornado; vortex; whirlpool; whirlwindnoun
thesosto swirl; to whirlverb
thevasto agree; to concur; to cooperateverbcontrast 'tse͡ivas'va'
thunDraconiccolour in the range from orange to rednoun
thunkavkemcolour in the range from orange to rednoun
thunThreadwielderinfrared; low-frequency photonic lightnoun
tiiristo be in pain; to mourn; to sufferverb
tiirumourning; sufferingnoun
tinisto feel (internal or mood connotation)verb
tirasto activate; to elate; to inspire; to vitaliseverbcontrast 'keros', contrast 'ki͡utos'
tkanalakavkeman afterlife of suffering; hellnounoften used metaphorically
togion; uponpreposition
tolinto; throughadverb, preposition
toomemaybe; perhaps; possiblyadverb
toremfighter (negative connotation); violent enemy; warrior (negative connotation)noun
toretconflict; struggle; warnoun
torugemdoor; gate; mouth of a cave; opening; windownouncontrast 'mir'
torunusto open; to remove a trivial obstacle to travelverb
toru͡iopen; unguarded; unlockedadjective
tosisto discard; to dismiss; to drop (non-attentive connotation)verb
tovasto assume (medium confidence connotation); to estimate; to extrapolate (medium confidence connotation); to presume (medium confidence connotation)verbrelated to 'toome' and 'kevas'
tsadamcut; slash; woundnoun
tsadamasto cut; to maul; to slash; to woundverbcontrast 'os̈as'
tsarosto attempt; to give one's best; to tryverbcompare 'takaras'
tsaruattempt; trynoun
tsaviajar; apart; asunderadverb
tsavisto delineate; to make distinct; to part; to separate; to splitverb
tsejaluminous explosion; luminous illusion; nova; retinal burnnoun
tseks̈high amplitude; powerful (physical force connotation)adverb, adjective
tseks̈Draconicloudadverb, adjective
tseks̈kavkemloudadverb, adjective
tselesto gain (social or metaphorical connotation)verbcontrast 'tuvas'
tseluadvantage; benefit; gainnoun
tsepisto be turned toward; to confront; to faceverb
tsessatexplosion; sudden hail of shards; the act of coming apart abruptly and hazardouslynoun
tsessatasto come apart abruptly and hazardously; to explode; to shatter; to splinterverb
tse͡ivasto argue against; to complain; to disagree with; to objectverb
tse͡ivuargument (contrary connotation); complaint; disagreement; objectionnoun
tsiristo become loosely acquainted with someone or something; to meetverb
tsu'-doing again; doing once more; repeatingmodifierfor verbs
tsunosto repeatverb
ts̈elanger (cold or calculating connotation); rage (cold or calculating connotation); seething (cold or calculating connotation); wrath (cold or calculating connotation)noun
tueither; orconjunction
tumanusto learn; to realise (cerebral connotation)verb
turafresh; newadjective
turunby (possessive, authoritative or source connotation)preposition
tuvasto acquire; to gain (literal connotation); to get; to receiveverbcontrast 'tseles'
udasleft (directional meaning only)adjective
ududangerous; mismatched; unpleasant; unwelcomeadjective
uduDraconicafoul; bad; wiltedadjective
udukavkemafoul; bad; wiltedadjective
udules̈emfool; idiotnoun
ukicompact; dense; tightadjective
utkavkemdeath (positive or neutral connotation)noun
uvuDraconicnature (positive connotation)noun
uvukavkemnature (positive connotation)noun
uvuThreadwielderphysical processes which naturally conform to one's pleasure, expectations and plansnoun
vathey (plural)personal pronoun
va'ikthemselves (plural)reflexive pronoun
Vaagaronoshkavkemtwilight sunfloat (named time of day)nounsecond hour of the day
Vaaka͡inoshkavkemtwilight sunsink (named time of day)nounseventh hour of the day
Vaakinoshkavkemtwilight sunset (named time of day)nounsixth hour of the day
vaas̈gravely unfortunateadjectivepertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil'
vaas̈Draconichorrible; terribleadjectivepertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil'
vaas̈kavkemhorrible; terribleadjectivepertaining to things outside of one's control; contrast with 'evil'
vaas̈ucataclysm; catastrophe; grave misfortunenoun
Vaatanoshkavkemtwilight sunrise (named time of day)nounthird hour of the day
vaduas planned; expected (positive connotation); goodadjective
vahrsection of space-time; worldnoun'parent' word of losa, nagiji and nigi.
vaitheir (plural)possessive pronoun
vakisto burrow; to dig; to empty; to hollow out; to plunder; to stripverb
vakoemptiness; hollow; hollowness (literal connotation)nouncontrast with 'orig'
valceestrengthnoun, adjectiveonly the honorific form is an adjective, used as an honorific in some Draconic cultures only
valceeDraconichonourable man (honorific connotation)noun, adjectiveonly the honorific form is an adjective, used as an honorific in some Draconic cultures only
valefather or mother in species with sexual dimorphism; parent (biological connotation)noun
valekkavkemorange-red (human and kavkem quale)adjectivecontrast 'banthu', kavkem primary colour
valethkavkemred (human and kavkem quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
validikavkemfuchsia (human quale); magenta (human quale); purple (human quale); red-turquoise (kavkem quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
valosokavkemorange (human and kavkem quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
vals̈etkavkemfuchsia (kavkem quale); magenta (kavkem quale); purple (kavkem quale); red with an invisible ultraviolet component (human quale)adjectivekavkem secondary colour
vanasto ease; to simplifyverb
vannaeasy; effortless; trivialadjective
vaqiarid; dryadjectivefrom 'ava qaji', compare 'aderr'
Vaqitheir (plural) (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Vaqui' or 'Vakwi'
vara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
vargoskavkemto rainverb
varranbully; individual with a bark worse than their bite; menace (derogatory connotation)noun
varranasto bully; to exert pressure on (social connotation); to menaceverb
vasa͡iexperienced; oldadjective
vas̈'-kavkemfavouring the lower-frequency colour (for non-spectral colours); lower frequency (for spectral colours); more redmodifierfor colour adjectives
vatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
vazhigradual; slowadjective
VazhirethDraconicautumn; fall (seasonal connotation)nounpreferred to 'qos̈eth' in some cultures
Vazhyenokavkem5-day weeknoun
vethem (plural)accusative pronoun
vedethThreadwielderthought (clear or reasoned connotation)nouncontrast 'suru'
vedisto reasonverbcontrast 'suros'
vedisThreadwielderto contemplate; to figure (pondering connotation); to ponder; to reflect (mental connotation); to think (clear or reasoned connotation)verbcontrast 'suros'
vekwithadverb, preposition
vem'-kavkemlight (colour lightness)modifierfor colour adjectives
vemakesto appear briefly; to flash; to pulse (visual phenomenon meaning only)verb
vemakes̈flash; light pulse; sudden illumination (literal connotation)noun
vemakokavkem1/8 resho; second (unit of time)noun
VemistathDraconicsummernounpreferred to 'maveo' in some cultures
venaqlikely; plausible; probableadjective
venatDraconicthe skynoundefined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day
venatkavkemthe skynoundefined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day
venatThreadwielderpattern in the superclustersnoundefined by its night-time texture, despite its invisibility during the day
venthukavkemlight with a wavelength between 300 and 500 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'idi²'
venthuThreadwielderlight with a wavelength between 300 and 500 nmnounscientific term, used for discussion of Nekenalosan/Earth visual systems, contrast 'idi²'
veregethfog; haze; mistnouncontrast 'heyesh'
verhencommunity; coven; group of individuals sharing unusual spiritual or intellectual interests; order; people (singular) (cultural connotation)noun
veskavkembird or pterosaurnoun
vesavihokavkemspecific species of coastal pterosaurnoun
vheraenemy (strategic connotation); opponentnoun
vimisephysto sparkleverb
viriitem; object; thingnoun
virinis̈kavkemcountry; nationnoun
virrclaimed land; homesteaded area; property; territorynoun
viyaof peaceful airadjective
viyaDraconickind; nice; of pleasant personalityadjective
viyakavkemkind; nice; of pleasant personalityadjective
vysto fly; to glideverb
yDraconicusaccusative pronounonly used in some sub-dialects
ykavkemusaccusative pronounonly used in some sub-dialects
yaiappreciated; preciousadjectiveusually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects
yaiDraconicdearadjectiveusually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects
yaikavkemdearadjectiveusually applied to sentient creatures only; never pertains to lifeless objects
yeenheatnouncontrast 'yra'
YeenajeikavkemSaffar; u Andromedae bnoun
yekubeing; creature; living thingnoun'parent' word of yeren and keji.
yemakbrain; mindnoun
yemaqanvolition; will; will-powernouncontrast 'damake͡i'
yemmarcauldron; container (for liquids); cup; glass (container connotation); kettle; mug; pot; vasenoun
yemmubag; generic container; rucksack; sack; vesselnoun
yenaksimkavkemspecific species of small, carnivorous marsupialnoun
yenamikavkemmole (literal connotation); mouse; rat; rodentnoun
yennedokavkem111 taath; 25 yeno; calendar (unit of time); duration until the pattern of Yeenajei orbits re-aligns with Nekenalosan daysnoun
yenokavkemduration of one Yeenajei relative orbit; week (unit of time)noun
yerenanimal (non-sapient); creaturenoun
yerralejonkavkemspecific species of large bird of prey, capable of preying on kavkem hatchlingsnoun
yes̈elekkavkemspiderweb; webnoun
yilicurrent time; now; present (chronological connotation)noun, adverbtype 'adverb' applies only to 'now'
yilosto await; to bide one's time; to waitverb
yirhDraconicimmortal flying creature with mythological properties (like a phoenix or angel); powerful protector spiritnoun
yirhkavkemimmortal flying creature with mythological properties (like a phoenix or angel); powerful protector spiritnoun
yirhThreadwielderuniverse external Threadwieldersnoun
ykono more; not any moreadverbcontrast 'nii'
ynasto bewitch; to charm; to enchant; to imbue with mysterious behaviourverb
ynas̈Threadwielderartificial behaviour of something that is not understoodnoun
yraenergy (physical or physiological connotation)nouncontrast 'yeen'
yrhenemergent phenomenonnoun
yrijust; merely; only; simplyadverb, adjective, conjunction
yriakavkemlife (negative connotation)noune.g. life of slavery or suffering
yriiskavkemto live (negative connotation)verb
yrysto give temporary power; to grant strength; to imbue with energyverb
ysakelDraconicboy; young male individualnounwhere the sex exists
ysakelkavkemboy; young male individualnounwhere the sex exists
ysasaarDraconicgirl; young female individualnounwhere the sex exists
ysasaarkavkemgirl; young female individualnounwhere the sex exists
ysashsapient creature, too young for abstract communicationnoun
ysashkavkemhatchling not yet capable of speechnoun
YsastarDraconicspringnounpreferred to 'ahemeth' in some cultures
ysazbirth; freedom of movement; hatchingnoun
ysazasto bear offspring; to create life; to have a child; to procreateverb
ysa͡iinexperienced; youngadjective
ysikusto hopeverbcontrast 's̈eltus'
ys̈iluskavkemto prayverb
yuhasto allow; to let (permission connotation); to permit; to tolerate (permission connotation)verbcontrast 'shemis'
yuheireprieve or mercynounused stand-alone
yuhe͡idengranted leeway; permissionnounfirst part of a compound word; always to have, to do or to be that something, e.g. 'yuheiden-hes̈i': permission to do battle
yutaskavkemto die (positive connotation)verbcontrast 'adrethas'
za'alyrDraconicdream (positive connotation)noun
za'alyrkavkemdream (positive connotation)noun
za'alyrThreadwieldervery pleasant but only vaguely remembered experiencenoun
zaba͡itrash; wastenoun
zagashkavkemmage; magician; sorcerer; warlock; witchnoun
zahiyeDraconicmagic (literal connotation)noun
zahiyekavkemmagic (literal connotation)noun
zahiyeThreadwieldermagic (sarcastic connotation); obscured functionalitynoun
zajheliumnoungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zaj'shyinhelium (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
zaj'zyinhydrogen (molecular connotation)nounshort form elemental notation
zalbeautiful (physical connotation)adjective
zalaarDraconicbeauty (spiritual connotation)noun
zalaarkavkembeauty (spiritual connotation)noun
zalaarThreadwielderbeauty (abstract connotation)noun
zalcbasic; simpleadjective
zalcomudark matternoun
zara-(numeral)numeralsee numbers
zarmatkavkemspecific species of Nayabaru-domesticated ceratopsiannoun
zatel(numeral)numeralsee numbers
zejalprediction; prophecynoun
zejalosto assume (high confidence connotation); to extrapolate (high confidence connotation); to predict; to presume (high confidence connotation); to prophesiseverb
zelreflecting light; whiteadjectivecolour impression, contrast with 'evem'
ZetaqaDraconicit (honorific connotation); they (singular) (honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Zetaqua' or 'Zetakwa'
Zetaqakavkemit (honorific connotation); they (singular) (honorific connotation); ve (honorific connotation)personal pronounalso written 'Zetaqua' or 'Zetakwa'
ZetaqiDraconicits (honorific connotation); their (singular) (honorific connotation); ver (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Zetaqui' or 'Zetakwi'
Zetaqikavkemits (honorific connotation); their (singular) (honorific connotation); ver (honorific connotation)possessive pronounalso written 'Zetaqui' or 'Zetakwi'
zeteitaccusative pronoun
zeteDraconicthem (singular)accusative pronoun
zetekavkemthem (singular, unknown gender)accusative pronoun
zetuitpersonal pronoun
zetuDraconicthey (singular)personal pronoun
zetukavkemthey (singular, unknown gender)personal pronoun
zetu'ikitselfreflexive pronoun
zetu'ikDraconicthemselves (singular)reflexive pronoun
zetu'ikkavkemthemselves (singular, unknown gender)reflexive pronoun
zetuiitspossessive pronoun
zetuiDraconictheir (singular)possessive pronoun
zetuikavkemtheir (singular, unknown gender)possessive pronoun
ze͡i'-could do; may do; might domodifierfor verbs
zikamiasto bet; to wagerverb
zikiasto assume (low confidence connotation); to extrapolate (low confidence connotation); to guess; to presume (low confidence connotation)verbrelated to 'mizihi' and 'lukias'
zilzi hes̈etikikavkemspecies of hes̈etikia which have black and white tail fansnoun
zithaway from; offpreposition
zithadagasto dislodge; to shake offverb
zo'baj'tullawrencium (molecular connotation); nihonium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zo'hajthallium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zo'lajindium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zo'rajgallium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zo'sajaluminium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zo'shajboron (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zugeshisolation; privacy; reclusion; withdrawal (social connotation)noun
zugosto isolate; to withdrawverbtransitive only, but often used on self as an object
zuguisolated; private; reclusiveadjective
zujokavkemspine (non-skeletal connotation); thornnouncompare 'jo'
zurDraconicgood fortunenoun
zurkavkemgood fortunenoun
zy'bajfrancium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'baj'homitulfrancium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'hajcaesium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'haj'homicaesium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'haj'homitulgold (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'haj'honitulplatinum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'haj'niplatinum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'haj'tulgold (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'lajrubidium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'laj'biruthenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'laj'hobiruthenium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'laj'holimolybdenum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'laj'homirubidium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'laj'hopirhodium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'laj'horiniobium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'laj'limolybdenum (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'laj'pirhodium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'laj'riniobium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'rajpotassium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'raj'hopotassium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'raj'holichromium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'raj'homicopper (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'raj'lichromium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
zy'raj'micopper (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shortened
zy'sajsodium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation, shorthand
zy'saj'hosodium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'shajlithium (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy'zajhydrogen (molecular connotation)noungeneric long form elemental notation
zy-denotes one electron in the outermost s-shellcomponentof long form elements
zyinany element with only 1 electron in its valence shell; caesium (molecular connotation); chromium (molecular connotation); copper (molecular connotation); francium (molecular connotation); gold (molecular connotation); hydrogen (molecular connotation); lithium (molecular connotation); molybdenum (molecular connotation); niobium (molecular connotation); platinum (molecular connotation); potassium (molecular connotation); rhodium (molecular connotation); rubidium (molecular connotation); ruthenium (molecular connotation); silver (molecular connotation); sodium (molecular connotation)nounusually used with a shell count modifier, element
zykeshflight (combative connotation); retreat (combative connotation)noun
zykes̈asto flee; to retreatverb
zysbitterly cold object; icenoun
zyshasto hurry; to move quickly; to runverb
zyshifast; quick; rapid; swiftadjective
Zyshyenokavkem4-day weeknoun
zys̈'-kavkemfavouring the higher-frequency colour (for non-spectral colours); higher frequency (for spectral colours); more violetmodifierfor colour adjectives
zys̈adagasto jitter; to vibrateverb
zys̈adagaskavkemto shake; to shiver; to trembleverb
zys̈adarroskavkemto express fondness of with wordless sounds; to laugh at (friendly connotation); to purrverbcontrast 'tapradagos'